



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
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Old 08-20-2011
013109's Avatar
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Default Map WIP.

No content in this thread is a reflection of the final product of "Project Haven". Everything you see/read is subject to change.

Running with the idea of a world post human, I wanted to recreate an image I'd seen of a small freeway bridge collapsed into a city channel.

I first made the bridge, nothing fancy, mostly just for sizing reference.

I'd then need to then destroy the large slap of concrete, using the clipping and vertex tool gave to low quality level of detail on the breaks. So I then turned most of the structure into a displacement.

Along side with the bridge I needed to create the channel itself, so with a non broken bridge and a few brushes I made more of the gameplay area.

We then discussed the height of the gameplay area, it was deemed to small so modifications were made.

Once that had been agreed upon it was time to drop the broken bridge into the map, and give it some textures.

With the bridge in place it seemed only fitting for the area under the bridge to be the location for the flag, the structure was tweeked a little here and there to make sure the block sizes currently in game could fit nicely with freedom of choice. And with this being a standard SF gamestyle map the base to base combat would force teamwork in protecting walls and flag defense so the bridge defense would not be 100% overpowered due to the mass of concrete above the flag.

Place holder buildings were put in next to make the player feel more in a large endless city enviroment. The buildings will later have more detail and destruction.

I began to play with the color correction water and mist in the map, a few nice looking results as well as some stinkers came to be in the coming days.

In the end it was decided to not use any color correction in this map, not only did some of the colors I tried not look to swift they all had an effect on important team color entities. (blocks, flags)

It was unanimous to go with this lighting in the end.

As of today the map has been passed off to another team member so they can add more overall detail to the environment. Then later we can replace the HL2 textures.

"I hope Draken and #'s will get picked up by communities that actually deserve them."

Last edited by 013109; 08-20-2011 at 08:16 AM.
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