Greetings SourceForts community. I have recently joined the Dev team as a concept artist.
In this thread I will show you the work I've been doing for the development team to date. This will be an ideal chance for you to give me and the team you're input on how you think the style should develop and the future look of SourceForts.
So feel free to offer your suggestions.
A general theme for the art style was fleshed out and was decided that the characters would be based around machines and robots. Set in the future in a dilapidated crumbling world the robots would be gritty and grimy but highly technological.
The first thing I worked on was the The Scout class. Here is the artwork for The Scout:
As SourceForts is intrinsically a capture the flag based game The Scout seamed the logical starting point. Basically he's the free runner of the classes. tasked with capturing the flag he has to be light agile and fast.
Monty raised this advert which I think represents the spirit of the class well. Check it out here:
This got me watching a few free running videos to get me in the mood while drawing, This was one of them:
Class Overview
-Based on speed and agility
-Only carries melee or disruptor weapons
-Lightly armored
-Low health
Main role:
-To capture the flag
-Base infiltration
Initial Sketches and Thumbnails
As the head would be an important element for a character I started with that. I first sketched out a few thumbnails to explore the silhouette:
I then rendered out the one that stood out the most:
Having Input from the team I Scrapped most off that and came up with this rough sketch.
At this point it's all about defining the character's silhouette and overall look.
The team liked this concept and offered a few tweaking suggestions. They suggested a skinnier, lithe design based more on speed than power and thinner shoulders and hips.
Just a little note: The gold section on the back of the character is a backpack/flag holder attached to his back and not part of the shoulders. This will be described in more depth later on.
So the next step with this guy would be to develop into a tighter concept based on feedback I get from you and the team.
I hope you like the work so far. Let me know what you think.
The next entry will show the work for the tank class, stay tuned