- Events for scoring, touching flags, returning flags, many more.
- map_restart [time until restart]
- map_restart [time] 1 - Resets map, but keeps scores.
- league_flipteams
- league_flipscores
- league_flip - Flips teams and scores.
- Added French language file.
- cl_help (default : 1). When different from 0, all help messages are shown (such as "You can't freeze this object here!").
- Added sf_freeze_delay which sets the time between unfreezing objects in build phase.
- Players now get 20 points for capturing the flag.
- Players now get 5 points for unfreezing an enemy plate.
- The flag no longer collides with players.
- Reduced shotgun damage.
- Increased sub machine gun damage.
- Increased pistol damage.
- Weapon bucket positions tweaked.
- Enabled console by default.
- Block models optimized.
- Block skins changed.
- All corpses are removed on a phase change.
- You must now wait 1sec. before freezing another object in Combat Phase.
- Flag holder icon.
- Spawn bugs.
- Flag collision exploits.
- Class numbers now match with the corresponding keyboard number.
- Removed "null" class (happened when entering "playerclass 5" in console).
- Rocket trail bug.
- Fixed bug where the timer would display negatives value.