11/10/05 - Crazy ramblings of a sound engineer.
Lets face it. I'm a 2.0 guy. I arrived too late to help out with 1.9 in any pro-efficient way, so thats where my concentrations lie. As far as my job here is going, i'm quite pleased with it. I've already done some fill-in annoucement sounds for 1.9.1, finally adding all the missing voices that were REALLY needed, such as saying which team wins, and i've written out the musical score for the 2.0 main theme. Yes. Sourceforts 2.0 is having its own soundtrack. If not just one track, its another little feature that sets it apart from other mods.
Weapon sounds are TBA. I havnt had any feedback from modelers requesting such proceedings as of yet, and it might be a while, because it helps to have an animation of the weapon firing to work with. Now i cant truely specify any of the weapons we've got, but there are some pretty awesome ideas floating about, as well as the standarad arsenal of lead-projecting death machines.
Meanwhile, to fill my time, I lurk administrating servers, and reporting countless bugs on the bugtracker. Seriously, I seem to be the only person on it who is submitting bugs related to the release. Obviously the rest of the staff are too busy coding/mapping/modeling. We've set up a global ban list for other servers to use, and i seriously hope it does. My webmaster is full of crafty ideas of intigrating our clan website with the servers so everyone can benefit.
The number of SF 1.9.0 servers is getting big now. Its already overtaken battlegrounds 2, and thats quite a popular mod. Its not quite reached dystopia level yet, but it definatly has more players, as everyone got bored of the single map they released in a matter of weeks.
The fanbase for SF, after all, consists of a number of hardcore players who live, eat and breed SF, and the rest of the people who go on hl2files or moddb and think: 'Wow, an FPS in which you build your own base and defend it from attack. A novel, yet amazingly groundbreaking idea, I will now download it!' or however they explain it audiably.
Unlike every other mod on the planet, EVERY game in SF is different. Its like having a new map each time.
and the mappers don't have to spend nearly as much time on the maps as other mods, because all they involve is large, empty spaces and eye candy...