



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 11-30-2005
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It's stee - ffers damnit.
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Default 30/11/05 - Yo Check It

Hey dudes. Go watch Ali G. season II On Demand right now before they take it off. It's a pretty okay series. Anyway I post here to express my excitement for Christmas Break, Ali G. Season III, SourceForts 1.9.1, and a few other things. Christmas break is near so that means mad Airsofting when I get my new AEG. My friends backyard was pretty much made for Airsoft.

A few weeks ago me and two other friends were at his house and we all had spring rifles and pistols. It was about 11:00 PM and pitch black. The only place we could see anything was out in the middle of the street. So we all started out at different places, and I started walking around looking for the other two.

Me and my friend Matt finally clashed head on in the middle of the street. I dove behind a car while Matt, who had never played before, just started unloading on me. I jumped out and fire about 10 shots into him. He ran down the street and then I got hit in the back by my other friend Pat, who was hiding behind a bush.

I turned around fired a few shots at Pat and then I ducked behind a tree. I let Pat and Matt duel it out for a bit and then I jumped out and took both of them out in a blaze of slow spring pistol fired green BB's. And then I tripped over a branch since it was so dark out. The rest of the night didn't turn out so well, different story though.

Anyway, SourceForts v1.9.1 is looking cool acording to Voltaire. So that's good enough for me. Plus my girlfriend is getting Ali G. Season III that I may have to 'borrow' from her for an extended viewing session. Lastly, the new site which is completed can be seen below. I'm waiting on some server information from a fellow staff member so that I can get it online.

Hey there.
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Old 12-16-2005
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can i mention that "Ali G" was born in my country of "the land of our fathers" WALES, and his real name is "Sasha Cohan Baron" he was born in a town just up the road from me,

bit of knowledge for you Ali G Fans


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Old 12-18-2005
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You got arrested by the Police didnt you.

Me and my mates have springer battles occasionally, but wee do it in th garden. And i havnt used my TM P90 there yet, hmmm?
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Old 12-23-2005
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It's stee - ffers damnit.
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Nah, didn't get arrested, although we did surprise a few neighbors with our ski masks and realistic looking weapons. Really excited for my XM8 AEG to come in the mail. It is ganna be sick.
Hey there.
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Old 01-31-2006
Posts: n/a

I have a springer but I dont think I can convince my parents to let me get an AEG.
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