Before I talk about that mod that I so happen to be working on, I must explain why I am posting. I am sane, and quite happy about it. However, school is driving me to the brink of... insomnia.
There is this thing called 'sleep' which most human beings need. I have not seen this 'sleep' in quite a long time. Sixteen hours to be exact. Waking up at 6:30AM, talking on the phone with my girlfriend until 12:00AM, and running cross country every day have worn me out.
Last night I went to sleep at 9:00PM, only to be woken an hour later by my girlfriend who insisted that I keep talking to her as opposed to going to sleep. Not only was I awaken, but I was then mocked for not having a ticket to the Jack Johnson concert.
I had planned to sleep oh-so long tonight, until I was told that I would need to wake at 10:00AM tomorrow to go to the Maryland football ( American football! ) game. It was at that point that I gave up hope of ever finding
The Perfect Sleep.
Now onto the mod. I have been working....... that was a total lie. In the past week I really haven't done much at all. I have been to busy with school, and tired'ness to even consider working on the mod. In fact, even thinking of working on the mod makes me even more tired which in turn makes me go to bed even earlier, which in turn limits my time that I have to work.
However, I have still gotten a few things in. When I did find time to work, it was on my map Valley. I have been forced into adding two doors to each spawn room. This has been a huge hassle because of Hammer's tendency to
not select the god damned entity when you click it. Instead, it selects the brush and acts as if no entity were assigned to the brush. Getting around this is such a pain in the ass that I gave up work on the map, and have now moved on to writing journal entries in the Developer Diaries. I guess that is where I am now.
Too keep you media craving forum lurkers happy I will now provide you with some media.