First thing, I didn't grief the flag d or at least I sure as hell wouldn't consider it griefing. Before I built it, it was a bunch of blocks piled on the flag with several gaps. That isn't a flag d, imo. I realize that those are your server rules. I never complained about you nocliping and when coyboy did, he was being sarcastic. After I had built the sealed flag d, you came over and said to change it. I told you I wasn't going to touch it and you responded by saying that if I didn't, you would.
Afterwards, you just made a hole in the flag d and I understand why and I have no gripes about it. I barely touched the flag d after build. What I don't get, is why you ban me in the middle of combat. I wasn't the one who sealed off the flag in combat. I did close the gap you made, but I made one on the side the was circle-jumpable and someone else later blocked that with a 2x1.
As far as I can tell, I recieved a warning for sealing the flag d, which was later fixed by you. All was well. Combat phase rolls around and I ask you how you can make the teams unfair for us and then complain about us being unfair for an illegal flag d. I'm sure you were aware of the team stack so why didn't you do something about it. If you want to play with some of your buddies, throw a couple of the intermediates onto our team so we can compensate with a numbers advantage. You seem so concerned about maintaining a far game and yet, you only uphold it when it suits you. If you are going to do that, fine, but don't ban me when I call you on it.