Griefer Report
Got this griefer, changed his name quiet a few times but this is his steam Id. STEAM_0:1:9104712
He actually used quiet a few racial comments, and even suggested that he deserved to be banned because all he does is grief. Those words came out of his keyboard himself. I have a demo waiting to be shown. He griefed many people in our server, he was very cocky thought that I was lying that he would be banned.
I am ready to email the demo, or does anyone have an idea where I can upload it? Unfortunately Megaupload doesn't work, Mozilla or IE. Any suggestions?
I am reporting this from the "Right to Rule" server where unfortunately admins don't exist, nor do votekick commands. Maybe if their admin sees this he will think of putting those up?
I BUILD Fort, I SEE Fort, I INVADE Fort.
[SFA] - Source Fort Artisians
Last edited by NullProgrammer; 12-08-2006 at 01:36 AM.