Flake: I have jump scripts and hacks. Simple. (quoted from in game)
# 38 "Flake" STEAM_0:1:2158280 15:40 82 0 active
Banned from FU clan server alias is "pincus" yes you heard right, We set the gravity to 650 and saw that he jumped as high as before with 600, yes it is little but it showed to me that I couldn't jump as high etc, so he got banned, Hes been doing this for ages, And pincus if your going to flame me i couldn't care less because we knew all this time that you scripted. this is just the last straw.
Btw I realise that posting here without pics etc is bad but i just thought this should be out there.
Edit: banned also because he is abusive be on belief.
Last edited by dacrusader; 12-24-2006 at 07:08 AM.