1) My name is mc_nebula...I am sexy...I am fair...I hate griefers and myg0t, although I would rather warn someone and then kick them than perma-ban... (Unless they realy deserve it).
If someone were to grief or be abusive while I was admin, I would teleport them somewhere awkward and freeze them there. Then, I would explain to them the rules and ask if they understand. If yes, I would let then down, if no, kick.
2) Currently, I have admin on the DigiS servers, and full admin on the server of the clan I belong to, =[SOS]=
3) Nickname: =[SOS]=mc_nebula[DigiS] Steam id: 0:1:6172512
4) I am from britland, so I have GMT
5) Anything special? Well, I will have admin on the Primal UK server soon...
(joking aside, I speak a little German, know good grammer, and spelling (sic) and I am good as an engineer)
Contact me on:
Or, PM me
Thanks, mc_nebula