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Old 06-17-2007
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Default Multi-tiered global ban list

Alright, I just had a discussion with someone about the AKA plug-in (steamtrack). I'm not going to disclose my opinions on steamtrack here because that isn't what this thread is about. During the discussion of steamtrack I came up with another idea: a multi-tiered global ban list.

The idea behind steamtrack is that server admins can use it to see if there are any people on their server that are using the alias of another person. Due to a misunderstanding in the terminology I came up with the following idea.

Basically, this new global ban list would work like the old one. Users submit reports with demos, screenshots, etc. to the global ban list forums. The admins then take a look at the reports.
This is where it gets different.
After looking at the reports the admins would classify them into one of several different types of categories such as griefing, mic spam, blocking spawn, etc. The admin would also determine the severity of the offense on a scale of 1-10 (or 1-5, it doesn't really matter).
Thus, someone playing a few annoying sounds over their mic would score a [micspam, 2] whereas someone spamming rickroll would receive a [micspam, 10].

The administrators would also handle disputes as they do now, but other than that, that's where the human involvement ends.

The reported person's steam ID and their offense is stored in the GBL database which is accessible from a plug-in as it currently is.

This new ban list would allow server admins to select which offenses they want to ban players for on their server.
The server admin of server X can disallow anyone to join who has ever mic spammed. Or disallow anyone to join who has micspammed with a severity of 6/10 or above. Or disallow anyone to join if they have ever severely griefed.

This new system would allow server admins to maintain the level of shit allowed to happen on their server without having to ban everyone individually. It would also eliminate the problem of people who "casually grief" on other servers which will tolerate this and then try to join servers and do the same thing on servers that don't allow this.

Discuss, however do NOT turn this into a discussion about steamtrack. This thread has nothing to do with steamtrack, period. If you want to bitch about steamtrack then go do it in the thread about steamtrack.

Also, don't post if all you're going to say is "Well, are you going to code all this?" No, I can not program this, but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea or that it shouldn't be implemented. If you have other reasons that this is a bad idea then by all means post them, but not if the only problem is who is going to program it. This thread is about how effective this new system would be, not labor distribution.

(Other things NOT to do because I've seen it in another thread I made. Do NOT drag this thread offtopic. Again, do NOT mention steamtrack. Do NOT use personal attacks. Debate, in a calm manor, the validity of an idea instead.)
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Last edited by Kellsch; 06-17-2007 at 02:59 AM.
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Old 06-17-2007
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I very much like it Kellsch.
The levels of severity could work like a charm if implemented properly.
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Old 06-17-2007
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That would be pretty awesome tbh.
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Old 06-17-2007
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I think you'd need to have pretty clear rules on what constitutes a certain rating.

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Old 06-17-2007
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True, because while one admin could consider spamming "rickroll'd" a 10/10, another might call it a 3/10.

BC BLOOD does not in any way condone the spamming of "RickRoll'd" at any time.

Last edited by BCBLOOD; 06-17-2007 at 03:36 AM.
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Old 06-17-2007
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Yeah sure.

This > steamtrack

proof sol said it
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Old 06-17-2007
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I like the thinking behind it. It's solid, insofar that it's an idea that would work.

So long as we get the ratings system straight.
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Old 06-17-2007
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I don't think griefing should be tolerated in any circumstances. The sort of person who griefs is the sort of person who likes annoying people, and I don't want people like that on my server.
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Old 06-17-2007
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Originally Posted by Kellsch View Post
The admin would also determine the severity of the offense on a scale of 1-10 (or 1-5, it doesn't really matter).
Thus, someone playing a few annoying sounds over their mic would score a [micspam, 2] whereas someone spamming rickroll would receive a [micspam, 10].


This new ban list would allow server admins to select which offenses they want to ban players for on their server.
The server admin of server X can disallow anyone to join who has ever mic spammed. Or disallow anyone to join who has micspammed with a severity of 6/10 or above. Or disallow anyone to join if they have ever severely griefed.

What if the amounts accumulated?
Player X joins Server X.
Player X starts spamming Celine Dion and gets kicked+referred to the ban list. Admin X decides that this behavior warrants a 2/10.
Player X joins Server Y and once again spams Celine Dion.
Again, the admin (Y) decides that the behavior warrants a 2/10,
from now on Player X has a "rating" of 4.

Or is that what you had in mind originally?
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Old 06-18-2007
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The specifics of the formula don't matter too much at this point. Adding the scores is one way to do it.

I'd prefer to have it set up to track individual offenses so it would make it easier to deal with if anyone disputes it. It would also make it easier to see if someone is a "repeat offender". That is, if they have a score of 20/10 then you don't know if they micspammed insane amounts of stuff and got a 10/10 rating on 2 servers or if they received a 5/10 of 4 servers.

But again, the specific formula doesn't matter too much until someone starts to work on this project, if people seem to like the idea of a multi-tiered GBL.
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