Hi, I'm setting up a Sourceforts Server for our community. I have a lot of experience in setting up servers most of all Source Based ones. We use mainly remote dedicated windows 2003 servers.
The issue I'm having is the server has missing texture files. They show error markers etc. I know it's the server as I created a local server and the textures were fine. It was the exact same download, It went to the remote server first and then on to my local PC.
I obviously have hl2mp installed on the server and have applied the patch as well. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Re-Installed the hl2mp from fresh, I assume it's down to these errors
Caching file CRCs for pure server...
Finished caching file CRCs for pure server in 0 seconds.
Error: Material "models/props_combine/stasisshield_sheet_dx7" : proxy "TextureSc
roll" not found!
Error: Material "models/props_combine/stasisshield_sheet_dx7" : proxy "TextureSc
roll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/nature/water_canals03_256_960_64" : proxy "Ani
matedTexture" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/nature/water_canals03_256_960_64" : proxy "Tex
tureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/nature/water_canals03_256_960_64" : proxy "Wat
erLOD" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_bluescroll_0_2997_61" : proxy "Tex
tureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_bluescroll_0_2997_61" : proxy "Tex
tureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_bluescroll_256_2368_80" : proxy "T
extureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_bluescroll_256_2368_80" : proxy "T
extureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_bluescroll_256_1856_208" : proxy "
TextureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_bluescroll_256_1856_208" : proxy "
TextureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_bluescroll_-256_2368_80" : proxy "
TextureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_bluescroll_-256_2368_80" : proxy "
TextureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_bluescroll_-256_1856_208" : proxy
"TextureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_bluescroll_-256_1856_208" : proxy
"TextureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_redscroll_1_-948_63" : proxy "Text
ureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_redscroll_1_-948_63" : proxy "Text
ureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_redscroll_256_-320_80" : proxy "Te
xtureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_redscroll_256_-320_80" : proxy "Te
xtureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_redscroll_256_192_208" : proxy "Te
xtureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_redscroll_256_192_208" : proxy "Te
xtureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_redscroll_-256_-320_80" : proxy "T
extureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_redscroll_-256_-320_80" : proxy "T
extureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_redscroll_-256_192_208" : proxy "T
extureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "maps/sf_overload/tactical/sf_redscroll_-256_192_208" : proxy "T
extureScroll" not found!
Error: Material "nature/water_canals03_beneath" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" not fo
Error: Material "nature/water_canals03_beneath" : proxy "TextureScroll" not foun
Error: Material "nature/water_canals03_beneath" : proxy "WaterLOD" not found!
Executing dedicated server config file
Error: Material "sprites/bubble" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" not found!
Attempted to create unknown entity type CWeaponFrag!
NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther
Error: Material "models/weapons/v_smg1/texture5" : proxy "TextureScroll" not fou
Error: Material "models/weapons/v_slam/new light2" : proxy "Sine" not found!
Error: Material "models/weapons/v_slam/new light1" : proxy "Sine" not found!
Error: Material "models/error/new light1" : proxy "Sine" not found!
Precache of sprites/redglow1 ambigious (no extension specified)
Attempted to create unknown entity type prop_combine_ball!
NULL Ent in UTIL_PrecacheOther
Error: Material "models/roller/rollermine_glow" : proxy "AnimatedTexture" not fo