Originally Posted by 011003
they were helpful to me! ^^ it just seems like if i set a password or change the name via gameservers.com and restart the server it does jack shit...
so iunno whats wrong
just gimmie your setup billeh, lol i can copy and paste 
That's because gameservers do not support 3rd party mods.
You'll have to do things via ftp, download
smartftp (you could also use IE but I leik smartftp.) Then get your ftp details somewhere in your gs control panel.
I can't remember where your sourceforts folder is on gameservers accounts but it shouldn't be hard to find. You can change your server name in sourceforts/cfg foldier via the phase_combat and phase_build files or if you don't want the server name to change on phasechange you can delete these and change it in the server.cfg. Restart your server via the gameservers restart and it should be changed when it laods back up.
While you're in the server.cfg set an rcon password by adding rcon_password "pw" and download
HLSW, can use this to manage your server until you get mani installed. Just add your server IP and rcon password and click get server log. I've never installed mani myself so can't help you there, with ftp I can't imagine it being that hard.