512KB/s upload = 8 - 9 players. So I would say 10 players is no more then you would want. CSS uses less resources then SF, thus you can get away with 12 people on CSS, but only10 in SF.
Start up commands
-console -game sourceforts -pingboost 3 -maxplayers 10 +map sf_skywalk -heapsize 524288 -tickrate 66
Please note! That the heapsize depends on your RAM. If you have 1GB ram the heapsize should be 524288, 1048576 for 2GB memory etc.
Tickrate should remain at 66, no more, no less. If its set higher issues occur, and if its set lower scroll jumping dosn't work. No idea why.
EDIT: The tool below has no Virus's, but don't download it if you don't want to. You can run Media player and still achieve the high server fps, but Media player uses more resources.
sv_unlag 1 (Helps with higher pingers)
sf_roundlimit ""
sf_team_blocklimit ""
fps_max 999 (Causes server fps to increase, helps with ping boosting.)
sv_maxspeed 400
Add other commands if you want, its your server. Another thing you may want is the scrdspingbooster tool, run this in the background to get the FPS over 500, this helps with ping boosting. Also run SRCDS high in task manager, it will give SRCDS higher priority.
Ni66a?!? Master Czar: http://www.hairfinder.com/info/redhead-extinction.htm
arenaceous: scatman is gingar rite?
Ni66a?!? Master Czar: Yes
arenaceous: must suck
We're not tools of the goverment or anyone else! Fighting was the only thing.. the only thing I was good at. But, at least I always fought for what I believed in!
Last edited by czar; 09-10-2008 at 04:57 AM.