Those of you who have been talking in the IRC channel today have likely heard about Bug #1. The only remaining 1.9.4 bug, just happens to be release critical and something that we've yet to find a fix for.
I've been working on the last three bugs for the last 34 hours and so I'll be calling it a night shortly but I felt it was important to let you know where we stand.
The bug stopping release concerns sf_overload. If a user attempts to connect to a dedicated server running sf_overload they receive the error
"Your map [maps/sf_overload.bsp] differs from the server's." and are returned to the menu.
I've exhausted every option I can think of to get this to work:
- Ensured that client and server are running the exact same copy.
- Delete local copy so it is downloaded from server.
- Rename both copies.
- Recompile map.
- Recompile map with a small alteration.
- Paste map into an entirely new map project and recompile.
Right now I can't think of anything else that could cause this, I've sent a query to the HL2 mappers mailing list and hopefully somebody will get back to me with a solution.
I apologise for yet more delays but we are working as hard as we can to get this out and I'll keep you posted both on the forums and in IRC as to any progress.
EDIT: I've just done some more testing and can confirm that the same bug appears when this map is run under 1.9.3.