



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
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Old 10-25-2006
Murk's Avatar
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Slovenia
Posts: 361
Exclamation What NOT to suggest (and reasons)

Okay, I thought of doing that some time ago, but never ever got further than just scrolling over "New thread".
Anyways, this is a list of things that have already been suggested numerous times and why are they not approved. Also, every point in this list contains keywords, so if you have something related to something, just click Ctrl+F and search for a word (for example: css)
  • Add Rotational gravity gun
    Keywords: gmod garry's mod garrys mod rotate argg physcannon adnan
    What: For SF to have a gun that could rotate blocks in all directions. Appears in Garry's mod and ARGG mod.
    Why not: Actually makes fort building HARDER.
    Notes: It has been said that 2.0 WILL have rotation ability, but DIFFERENT to the physcannons' one. The physcannon is designed to pose ragdolls, not build forts. Any CAD or 3d art creator will tell you that controlling all three axis of rotation on one plane leads to inaccurate control. There is a big difference between the physcannon's poor all-axis rotation method and other more reliable and controllable rotation schemes.

  • Add Counter strike weapons
    Keywords: cs css counter strike counterstrike guns weapons
    What: Having all Counter-Strike weapons in SourceForts.
    Why not: The developers are including a set of new weapons for sourceforts. There is no desire to illegally import cs:s media. From a gameplay standpoint, cs:s weapons would destroy the game, as the cs weapons are far to deadly to make the game viable or fun.
    Notes: It won't happen. Period.

  • Add More blocks
    Keywords: more blocks bricks build material forts
    What: To have more different blocks in Sf (for example right-triangle block (cutting normal 1×1 block diagonally)).
    Why not: All blocks you need are already there.
    Notes: There may be a block added, but chances are low.

  • Add functional blocks
    Keywords: more blocks bricks build material forts trap doors functional
    What: To have functional blocks, which can be used as door, trap, sentry, hurter, etc.
    Why not: Making fort building a piece of toast, general community dislike
    Notes: If you want such blocks, there are some maps that have them; One example is sf_domo (1.4.2 version).

  • Have Buyable weapons
    Keywords: weapons guns buy money monies frag
    What: Make money with killing/completing objectives, buy guns for money.
    Why not: This concept was scrapped when 1.9 was released with class system. It was scrapped because one team could easily overpower other team once, thus frag more, thus buy better guns, thus get even more frags...
    Notes: If you still wish to play with the money system, get the 1.4.2 version of SF or search for "Neoforts". That system is returning no more.

  • Add deployable turrets
    Keywords: engineer turret sentry deploy spawn auto
    What: To be able to deploy *controllable (mounted gun)* turrets, which shoots enemies.
    Why not: Flag defending made too easy; you've got blocks to do that!
    Notes: While the automatic deployable turrets are not accepted at all, there are still types of turrets that are more accepted: Automatic sentry to shoot intruders in allied spawn and controllable turrets, which work more as a mounted gun. However, there's no real need to re-suggest them; Allied spawns can be protected with trigger_hurt entity.

  • Hitscan sniper rifle
    Keywords: replace crossbow awp counter strike cs css scout sniper instant hit
    What: To have hitscan sniper rifle in Sourceforts. (Hitscan: weapon hits target instantly upon firing)
    Why not: Would make SF sniper whoring piece of crap. Even with crossbow, which is projectile based, people have high scores. Just no.
    Notes: Don't suggest at all.

To be updated. Note that this is for people that don't bother reading the other thread about suggested stuff. Devs, feel free to add stuff yourself. Opinions also welcome.

Keywords: keywords key words
What: Description of the idea
Why not: Reasons why it is not accepted
Notes: Additional notes

*But still, if you have a good idea that is more than just everything listed, feel free to post it.*

Last edited by SwiftSpear; 01-19-2007 at 11:09 PM. Reason: Added Sniper rifle
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