Originally Posted by Remo
Since all these mods are coming out on steam now, do the devs here have any intention of releasing it through steam?
I think it would be a great idea to revitalize the player base as the 5 mods that have been released have several thousand players , playing everyday, where most had almost no player base pre steam release.
Of all the mods Ive tried source-forts is the best hands down it deserves to be there.
my 2 cents
Problem is the mod makers don't decide if they get the mod on Steam. Valve guys do, which I think is pretty retarded to show favoritism to mods to be honest. Sure it helps and extends support to a select few,but now it just leaves any mod with out it in the dust. With few players for the player base, making the situation worse.
Sayyan is apparently trying to get SF 2.0, onto Steam Works if possible. Not holding my breath though.