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Old 12-27-2008
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Default SourceForts: Haven Design Document


This design document is an entirely in-progress work. Although much of this is considered the current working design, it should not be taken as representative of the final game. I repeat: if you don’t like what’s in here, don’t worry, it will likely change. As always, comments are appreciated, and you may find that your input pushes the game in a way you prefer.

If it makes you feel better, think of this more as a testing direction. For example the current weapon load-outs are more placeholders than anything else, being implemented for testing purposes only. There are also several sections under heavy debate with several totally opposing ideas, these are being worked out, but it is taking time.

That said, comment on this, even if we've already changed what you've commented on, it's likely to prompt us with more ideas and help shape the game further. It will also give us a good idea of where the community wants the game taken.

Basic Gameplay

The original game mode will be a unique combination of capture-the-flag and control-point based gameplay.

There are two teams, here on our referred to as “red” and “blue.” Each team will have a base at each end of a long, non-linear map. In this base, there will be a flag. Between the two bases will be 3 midfield bases, which will each contain a control point. Throughout the course of the game, both teams will fight to gain control of the control points, which give the controlling team a number of advantages in combat. To win, a player must bring the enemy flag to a control point they control.

Midfield Bases

Midfield bases are defensible locations that each team will seek to control. The team that controls the control point in each base will have faster freezing times in these areas.

Control Points

In each midfield base, there will be a single control point. Each point is represented by a visible entity, a “scrap,” of a left behind human structure that the playable characters are trying to preserve such as a bridge, statue, etc, as well as a visual cue showing the size of the actual control point.

These control points work similar to those in many other games. If a player stands on the point uncontested, he will begin to capture it. The more players on the point, the less time it takes to capture. If an enemy stands on the point during this process, the capture is blocked.


At each control point, as well as each main base, there will be a spawn room. At any given time, players will spawn either one point back from their front control point, or, if that is not available, at their spawn. Spawning takes approximately 15 seconds from time of death.


At each main base, there will be a single flag, which, upon being “touched” by an enemy player, is moved directly above said player’s head. If the player reaches a control point owned by their team, that team will wins the game. If the player is killed before capturing the flag, the flag is returned to its stand to await another attempt. The flag is not accessible to the enemy team unless that team currently controls a majority of the control points on the field.

Like the control points, it is impossible to freeze blocks inside the flag zone. [In SF 19x, it is possible to exploit a glitch in the source engine where stacking a number of physical enties (around 40) will result in the entities becoming frozen in place, making the flag impossible to get to. Some mechanism may need to be implemented to prevent this problem]


As of the current design, classes have not yet been finalized for a working build, and are therefore solely my interpretation of a number of the ideas currently under construction in the developer forums. They very likely do not represent the final classes.

Scout (infiltrator) – capping class.

This class is fast, has little health, and has the ability to perform a number of trick-jumps which allow him to bypass structural defenses. His weapons are based solely around this purpose; he is not in any way meant for midfield combat.

Trickjumping consists of:

The dash – pressing shift results in a rapid acceleration of movement minus the effects of momentum. It does not change the characters height, but allows him to change directions extremely quickly.

The wall-jump – pressing jump while moving towards a wall reverses your trajectory relative to the wall, while effectively giving you another jump from the point of contact.

The long-jump – dashing before a jump allows the character to perform a longer jump than normal

The high-jump – jumping while not dashing results in a much higher jump than the long-jump, but does not go as far


Melee: thwacking stick: medium damage, high rate of fire

Disruption rifle: disrupts the targets vision and slows mobility (both movement and aim) for 3 seconds, but does no damage. This weapon has a 3-shot magazine, and takes a while to reload.

Pistol: low-powered pistol. Medium rate of fire, low damage, extremely accurate; enough to taunt an enemy, but not enough to do any major damage.

Build gun: allows infiltrator to spawn a jump block and possibly another block (currently undecided)

Soldier (grunt): - standard combat class.

This class is about medium speed, medium power, and high health.


Assault rifle: high rate of fire, good accuracy, moderate damage to players. Has the ability to shoot through a single layer of standard wall blocks while also damaging them. Short reload time, 40 shot magazine. Has a laser sight that fades with distance.

Pistol: high-powered energy pistol. No ammo, but has an “overheat” system.

Melee (rifle smash): disables opponent for 2 seconds

This class also has the dash, but cannot use it straight out of a jump like an infiltrator can.

Build gun: allows player to spawn a bubble shield and a health supply sphere

Rocketeer (rocketeer) –anti-material class

Slow speed, high power, low health


Shotgun: low rate of fire, high close-range power, very little long-range power, long reload time.

Missile launcher: fires a single, BF2-TOW style guided missile. The player must hold down the mouse button for the duration of the flight, and on release, the missile will explode (to prevent the player from accidentally tapping the button, the player must hold the button down for 1 second before the missile is ready to fire). The accuracy of these rockets (tendency to fly in a straight line, as opposed to a varied one) depends on the rocketeers health. The rocketeer must maintain line-of-sight with the missile, or it will disengage and fall to the ground causing no damage.

Build gun:

bunker block - spawns a small, two man bunker that the rocketeer can use for defense in the midfield.

mini-health block - this block recharges all players health within its radius, but at a slower pace than the standard health block. Also, it can only restore the player to 80% of their maximum health.

Grenadier (suppression) – support combat/siege

Grenade launcher: fully automatic, but relatively slow firing grenade launcher. Similar to a grav-nade, it has a slight arc, but unlike the grav-nade, grenades explode on contact with any surface or player. It has a much smaller damage radius, but does a great deal of damage. It also has a rather large physics effect, making it useful for knocking players around, as well as making it useful for limited “nadejumping" This weapon has an overheat system; a visible bar will measure the "heat" of the weapon, and it will fill with each shot. It will cool down slowly, but if it reaches full, the player will have to wait till it is completely cooled off before firing again.

Submachine gun: high rate of fire, high capacity, low damage.

Build gun:

temporary shield block, which blocks all incoming projectiles, and absorbs half of the damage the holder would take.

det-pack - an explosive charge that, once set, takes 20 second to detonate. During this time, it is vulnerable to attack. If destroyed, it does no damage. If it detonates, it does 60% damage to the block it is attacked to, as well as some damage to surrounding blocks.

Engy(architect) – builder

The architect is not considered one of the standard classes; to become an architect, a player proceeds to the point they wish to build on, and presses the class menu, whereupon they will become the architect. To change back, they follow the same procedure. The architect cannot move past the limits of the midfield base or main base, which means they cannot build in the midfield, or on an enemy base.

Weapon: shotty. Relatively inaccurate, high-power, low ammo

Secondary: build gun - builds standard blocks, and health/ammo recharge stations.


Each player has a "build bar" totalling 100 points that governs that players ability to spawn blocks. On spawn, each player will receive 40 points, and the bar will continually fill at a slow pace until full. Furthermore, players receive a set number of points for accomplishing certain goals, such as destroying blocks and killing players.

With these points, players can spawn blocks using the process specified below.

Building will work on the following process:

1: Player pulls out build gun

2: Player holds the middle mouse button to open a menu

3: From this menu, the player selects one of a number of entities.

4: Player waits a certain amount of time (variable) while the entity is “spawned” (created) in the grasp of the gravity gun. On completion, the player loses a number of points equivalent to the cost of the block.

5: From here, the player can:

Manipulate the entity – The player holds the r button to activate the manipulation system. This allows the player to manipulate the block. For standard building blocks, the player can manipulate

Freeze the block in place (left-click) – freezing a block in place takes a certain amount of time (variable). If the button is not held for the entire length of time necessary to freeze, the player will simply continue to hold the block, and it will not be frozen.

Store the block by switching weapons. The block will stay in your build weapon until you pull it out again

This system encourages a "fight to build, build to fight" system, where players must both build and fight to make full use of their time and effort. It will be difficult, if not impossible, for players to become a dedicated builder, but a dedicated fighter who does not build will be at a distinct disadvantage compared to his teammates and enemies who do.

Currently, (because there is no block limit, and therefore no increase in blocks for a rip), the block ripping mechanic will not be included. This may change with testing. With that, the standard method of removing a block is simply destroying it, and we will give a great deal of effort to make sure that this process will be a challenge, but not frustrating.

The total block count will be limited by the block points system, as well as the rapid destruction of blocks due in part to both the moderate block health (3000-5000), and an explosive effect of the blocks on death.

Standard block: This block is relatively powerful, will show damage effects, and will explode on death, causing approximately 40% (of the total block health) damage to all surrounding blocks, with no line of sight. This way, if two blocks are destroyed in a 3 layer wall, the third block will be destroyed. Because this also damages players to a lesser extent, the defending team will have to make sure their blocks remain at full health, as a chain reaction might kill, rather than just wound them as a single block would.

Jump block: This circular block propels players high into the air, allowing them to jump over walls and other obstacles. Combined with trick jumps, the block offers a number of unique opportunities for players to get over and around walls.

standard shield: Like a standard block, but transparent, less health, and heals itself constantly. This can be held in front of the player, or frozen as a makeshift bunker.

bubble shield: this small spherical block emits a spherical shield able to protect around 3 other people around the holder. Rather than a health, this block has a charge meter that constantly goes down when activated (as well as with damage) and goes up when not activated. If the shield ball is dropped, the shield is activated and will last approximately 5 seconds at which point it is destroyed.

ammo block: this small pillar shaped block restores ammo of all within its active radius at a slow rate, approximately 10 seconds for a full ammo restore. Will not restore a players ammo if they have fired a weapon in the last 5 seconds

health block: similar to the ammo block, this block restores the health of all those within its active radius. It also will not restore a players health if they have taken damage in the last 5 seconds.


Sourceforts has long been a game associated with griefing, so we've decided to implement a built-in admin system. This gives admins access to all the standard admin utilities, without the need to install a 3rd party admin system. Administrator access would be handled in a similar way to the 3rd party system, with the server owner able to set admin permissions using a text file or the in game interface.

Furthermore, we will be implementing a "community admin" system, that allows responsible individuals to become admins on all servers who opt into the program. By default the admins will not have any server level control and will only be able to manage players, with kicks and bans for example, although it would be simple for a server owner to give more power to the community admins. Server owners can set individual permissions for each of these admins if they so desire and block certain community admins from accesson a blacklist basis.

Player Tracking

2.0 will also include an in-depth player tracking system that logs all player actions on all internet servers, and attackes them to that players steamID. With this, players will be able to keep track of their successes and failures over time. The framework for this system will be implemented in the initial release, and upgraded in subsequent releases.

Clan tracking

Players will be able to manage their clans by way of a web interface, which allows players to wear an official tag in-game. Clans will be able to set whether their clan is invite only, or open to all who wish to join. In later releases, the website will host an official tournament, allowing clans to set match dates, and automatically submit their scores to the site.

Last edited by Sayyan; 12-27-2008 at 01:07 AM.
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