Hi my name is K3Y. I am a concept artist and worked on the old SourceForts.
Most of the stuff I was doing at the time was never seen by the community as the previous way the mod worked was quite secretive. I think this was a mistake and the community needed input as well as eye candy to keep people interested. So a more open approach in the future would be favorable.
I will be (unofficially for the moment) creating design concepts for how SourceForts might look in the future. This is a completely flexible project and is for the use and or indeed misuse of the community.
I'm doing this as a side project whilst studying illustration in university. I will be aiming to create around 2-3 concept roughs a week depending on the feedback and interest from the community.
These rough images are based around my initial thoughts from the
Haven design document which I assume is the current direction SF is going in. They are totally flexible and entirely for the community to comment, change depending on what the general consensus is. I will update the concepts depending on this feedback and eventually creating final visuals when each concept feels done. Even then it would be open to tweeking.
The design I'm working on at the moment is currently the Disruptor Rifle. Carried by the Scout class the gun would have to be light and compact. Energy based, EMPlike maybe, with a battery style magazine.
Description from the design document:
Disruption rifle: disrupts the targets vision and slows mobility (both movement and aim) for 3 seconds, but does no damage. This weapon has a 3-shot magazine, and takes a while to reload.
Just to get the ball rolling this is my initial rough:

This is assuming that characters in the game have hands and are not robots with gun ports or something but if that is the case then the concept will change.
I have added a poll to ascertain what the current style of SourceForts would be in terms of characters. Whether they are all robots, human controlled mech suits, humans with armour, cyborgs and so forth. Let me know your thoughts by answering this poll it will effect the concepts I'm working on now.
What's next? Builder: The engineer class would be the main focus of SourceForts. As SourceForts is all about the building so therefore should be the flag ship of the future design style. Let me know your thoughts on how this character should look.
Feel free to make requests about the next design you want me to work on and your thoughts about it.