I shot an engi with the sniper, he got knocked away, alive. not sure what happened then, but it happened many, many times. nearly every engi I shot survived it.
Commando-problem is its not that I'm bad at sniper, at 1.9.3 a 3-1 KD was low for me, and now too I hit most shots, (the aiming didn't change.) but I needed 2 shots to kill, by then he gets out of my killzone\get shot by someone else.
And I know I hit, knocked away dudes didn't got caught in the wind.
Something happened during the 1.9.4, probably an accident. somebody look into it please. maybe a weird bug on that map (somehow.) or something, but engis got hit and didn't die. (donno if snipers survive too, nobody even played sniper on the other team.)