



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 10-19-2008
Fort Warrior
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Default More stuff that I thought of

Some issues:

--Any ideas on block removal?
For every block players create, they will just as often need a way to remove them. In 1.x, the solution to this is obvious; just put a disposer next to the spawner or have a disposer off the edge of the map. However, in haven, players will be able to spawn blocks anywhere, but I really don't think it would be a good idea to just put disposers everywhere. I don't really have a specific idea for this, as its only something I noticed, rather than something I've spent a great deal of time thinking about.

However, here's something to consider:
in the haven alpha, since there was no block limit (in 19x, taking a block would lower the enemies block limit by 1, while adding one to yours; this is impossible without a block limit. I really don't support a hard block limit either, as the much more dynamic size of the maps, as well as the individualization of blocks with the specialty blocks, would make this more annoying than beneficial), there was really no advantage to taking blocks over shooting them down. I think we should either give players/teams some sort of tangible reward for ripping blocks, or remove the mechanic altogether. If you were to implement the "block points" concept, you might have "ripping" immediately destroy the target block, while giving players a certain amount of block points.

--Specialty blocks take a while to create, yet some of the ones I presented (as well as many others still yet to be created) are blocks that are generally only useful in certain situations. What I propose is that players should have the ability to "store" a single block in their building gun. This ability should have a ~3 second timer to both store the block and retrieve the block. If they are killed while storing the block, the block will not be stored, and if they are killed while retrieving the block, the team will lose the block. Also, while they are carrying the block, the other abilities of their gravity gun are disabled, meaning that the player cannot create, move, or rip any blocks.

Something else to consider:
This gives players something to do during times when they're defending, but not actually being attacked. To compare, in TF2, teams are able to take advantage of downtime by building up an ubercharge. In haven as it exists right now, you would only be able to strengthen your defenses (leading to just another likely failed assault from the enemy, while not actually makign it easier for your team to mount an assault), but with this, offensive players would be able to prepare for their next assault by building things like ramps and jump blocks, and then storing them in their grav-gun. When the enemies finally do come round, players would then be able to store their newly created block, rather than leaving it lying on the ground cluttering the base, and then be able to counterattack without having to go back into the base to get their stuff
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Old 10-19-2008
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Block stays on the ground for more than 90 sec it starts damaging it 5 damage/sec until it dies.

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Old 10-19-2008
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Originally Posted by shishak View Post
Block stays on the ground for more than 90 sec it starts damaging it 5 damage/sec until it dies.
For a block that's at 4000 health, that's nearly 15 minutes before it dies. I don't think just tossing blocks in a pile and letting them sit there for 15 minutes is a very viable solution.

to clarify further, the game needs a way for players to immediately/quickly dispose of a block that gives them a tangible reward, as well as requires active participation. IMO, they should be given a larger reward for disposing of an enemy block, as it requires far more effort than disposing of a friendly block (this requires that blocks not change instantly based on whose holding it)

Last edited by Oddjob; 10-19-2008 at 06:10 AM.
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Old 10-19-2008
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damn oddjob is a plethora of ideas lol
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Old 10-19-2008
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Originally Posted by MajorPain View Post
damn oddjob is a plethora of ideas lol
That's a good thing.
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Lol religion.
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Old 10-19-2008
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Originally Posted by MajorPain View Post
damn oddjob is a plethora of ideas lol
The real question is whether they're any good or not. Obviously, I think all the ideas I submit are good, else I wouldn't submit them, but the real test of their worth is what others think of them. I'd like to have a general idea what others think of them, if only so I can evaluate what people like and what they don't. I'll keep submitting if you all want me to, but I'd really rather not flood the place with ideas that only I think are good.
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Old 10-19-2008
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Originally Posted by Oddjob View Post
The real question is whether they're any good or not. Obviously, I think all the ideas I submit are good, else I wouldn't submit them, but the real test of their worth is what others think of them. I'd like to have a general idea what others think of them, if only so I can evaluate what people like and what they don't. I'll keep submitting if you all want me to, but I'd really rather not flood the place with ideas that only I think are good.
Did azlan take your account?
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Old 10-19-2008
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So far i like ideas and input
i dont know how these ideas will be implemented but im excited to find out
i say keep submitting cause they are all very interesting =)
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Old 10-19-2008
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Did azlan take your account?
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Old 10-19-2008
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In other words you don't want to become Azlan. Really, you don't have to worry about that considering, y'know, you have a brain.
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