Ideas and suggestions... hmm, seems like such a great idea for a forum.. right! Well.. sort of. I have always read these forums, in fact I have probably read just about every topic posted in this section. Most of what I read is well.. junk. Not that it is a poor idea, but rather that it wouldn't fit into SourceForts. So I write to you guys in order to better inform you on how to grab my attention with an awesome idea.
To start with,
use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If you can't bother to put the effort in in order to write English the way it was meant to be written why should I bother to put to effort into reading your idea? I am a real stickler for this. Not saying that I won't read a poorly written idea, I'm just saying that I am
much more compelled to read a well written one.
Organize your idea! Do not throw make your idea appear as if you have cut and pasted different sentences into a paragraph. Start out saying what the main purpose of your idea is, what it does / how it functions, and then give a brief summary. This way I already know what you are trying to sell before even having read 10% of it.
Lastly, and most importantly, think to yourself. "Does this idea make sense in the gameplay environment that is Sourceforts?" For a great example of an idea that fits all these criteria read
this post by Disturber.