



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 09-14-2008
Experienced Builder
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 340
Default Building Points

The concept of giving someone points for building is not exactly something as straight forward as giving someone points for getting kills or getting flag captures, but I believe in 2.0 people who build need to be rewarded on the scoreboard. People also need to be given ideas of where the ideal places to build would be, while still being allowed to build wherever they please without being punished. Another problem that would arise with building in 2.0 would be the fact that building could get stale and boring and that things such as bunkers and sniper towers would still be deemed useless.

Part 1: Target Building Zones

In each map, a mapper would specify zones in a map where the "ideal" place of building a wall would be and of course building a flag d would be important too, so the area around the flag area would be a target building zone. There would be a line (unseen by anyone) that would constantly be going across the target build zone at 1/2 a unit in the air to see if there are blocks blocking the target build zone (these zones hopefully wouldn't be too big). When the line goes across the whole spread of the target build zone and decides that each spot on the build zone is sufficiently blocked off then the points would be worked like this (since this is hard to explain in general): Let's say the line decided the wall was good and they used 10 blocks for the wall. If a player froze 2 blocks in the target build zone then they would get 1/5 of the max points. The max points for every build zone would be 5 points, so in this case the player would get 1 build point.

Part 2: Offensive Building Rewards

Whenever a player builds a bunker or sniper tower , they can allow the blocks to take on a "bunker" mode which would mean that the blocks would have a reduced amount of health and a player would have to "enter" into the bunker by using the "use" key. Whenever the player gets into the bunker he loses some range of his peripheral vision making him only able to see a small area of the map at a time, but his weapon is more deadly than normal. Whenever a player gets kills while in the bunker or sniper tower, the builder then gets 1 building point.

Part 3: The Building Rewards

Whenever a player gets build points, along with getting points on the scoreboard they can unlock new things throughout the game. In the beginning of the game every builder starts off with the default block spawn time, the default block healing time, and the default blocks. As the game progresses and the builder gains more building points he can use his build points to upgrade his blocks to suite his playing style or what the team needs at the time (offensive or defensive blocks), increase his block spawning time, or rapidly increase his block healing rate. Of course whenever a builder selects to increase his block spawning time or rapidly increase his block healing rate, it makes his block points lower at a gradual pace, while upgrading his blocks takes them away one chunk at a time. Using these building points for these upgrades doesn't take away points from the scoreboard though.

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Old 09-14-2008
Veteran Fort God
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My opinion? Proof-read more. Trying to read through your badly constructed blocks of text gives me a headache.

And the idea of having hardcoded areas in which you can only score for building sounds like shit to me. Makes gameplay very linear and boring.
Originally Posted by Kanroook on his CRT Monitor
Sir Kanroook: I turn the radiator off in my room and use it as a heater
Sir Kanroook: in winter
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Old 09-14-2008
Experienced Builder
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 340

Originally Posted by Draken View Post
And the idea of having hardcoded areas in which you can only score for building sounds like shit to me. Makes gameplay very linear and boring.
And of course you didn't read the whole post, but players can still build in other regions, just the target ones give them points and reward them for helping their team the most (it's mostly aimed to help out newer players a bit more). There is no punishment for building in other areas where it might not be as useful to build in, so they can build there if they really feel the need to.

Also, if you were to give points for building, how would you spread out the points anyways draken? The target build zone pinpoints the best spots for defense and makes it easier to give builders points than some other complex, elaborate system that would either be confusing or easy to exploit.
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Old 09-14-2008
Fort Builder
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 32

To part 1:
Making a simple world brush entity that is a score zone where you can build in is possible. But having the engine check wether the built wall is straight is a bit too hard to code.
I like that idea, it really keeps the part of building in Sourceforts as you can build and still score.

To part 2:
As Offensive building seems to be harder i think it should be rewarded.
If you have symmetric maps like it is now you could simply wrap the enemies half with such a world brush as explained above.

To Part 3:

How they reward players is part of the devs, because it changes balance alot. I think they are already working on some kind of reward system. But even if they don't.
This idea sounds plausible to me.
As i do not expect someone will read till the end of my post, let' s just piss them off by simply discussing this idea and ignoring those that don't contribiute.
But don't get me wrong, i really like this idea, because i think most of the community this mod is being rebuild for, is just too frag focussed.
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Old 09-14-2008
Experienced Builder
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 340

Making a simple world brush entity that is a score zone where you can build in is possible. But having the engine check wether the built wall is straight is a bit too hard to code.
I like that idea, it really keeps the part of building in Sourceforts as you can build and still score.
Now I'm not so sure about how well Zoc could do it since I don't know how good Zoc is as a coder, but I asked someone on my friends list who knew how to code and asked them if it would be easy to implement this. They said it would be fairly easy to put code it, so I just threw away my old idea and in it's place I put the constantly checking line.

Last edited by Black™; 09-14-2008 at 07:38 PM. Reason: Removed the part which causes more arguing, funnily enough.
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Old 09-14-2008
pew, pewPEW
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I think the idea is kind of cool, but could add complication to the game.

I think that players could award other players points dependant upon there building skill, that way people that are higher-ranked builders could be appointed to be in charge of building a front wall or main defense. I'm thinking in pug games, where you might play with people you don't know, it'll be a good to have an idea how good of a builder they are.

I'm thinking, everybody has a personal point-board, that has many things adding to an overall score.
Neatness: xx.
Offensive power: xx.
Defensive power: xx.

That way, a person with equal scores would be put in charge of a frontwall, as a good frontwall needs to defend very well, needs to help offense-wise and needs to be neat.
Never, ever, click.

Last edited by Black™; 09-14-2008 at 07:36 PM. Reason: Removed the part which is useless, and actually causes more arguing. Funnily enough.
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Old 09-14-2008
Veteran Fort God
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Thread cleaned up a little, let's actually avoid arguing over who needs to read, and actually stay ontopic.
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Old 09-21-2008
Experienced Builder
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 340

so no one thinks builders should get points or rewards for building? awesome. having the game be one huge fragfest will be so original everyone will want to play.
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Old 09-21-2008
Fort Warrior
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so original you still post shitty ideas about it, so yes
Originally Posted by MagicBobert View Post
The answer is, however, always 42.
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Old 09-21-2008
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Miauw Mizx
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My honest opinion to sf devs, do not do any of those unless you are making other huge changes to the game play.

Now to be on-topic, the point rewarding system is not half bad, and the only thing I would agree with out of the whole topic. Seeing a sniper bunker in only uberforts, I don't think the devs want sourceforts to become uberforts, so they would never implement that in, and I think that idea is not useful in any way possible. And for the unlockables, I also see no need with that. Now if haven is going to be good, then they can implement unlockables into it, along with achievements like tf2. But then along with achievements, you will also get achievement server and people unlocking their weapons, by not playing. Along with that, in scrims, it would give an unfair advantage if one team had all upgrades, and the other one didn't.

Also, I don't see why you keep making idea threads, 95% of the time, no one likes your ideas, and you are pretty much wasting your time. I don't mean to flame, but neoforts is hurting, and you could go give them ideas, which I am sure he will implement anything he can into neoforts.
[Construct] Grim/#'s: furreh bawls
Miauw Mizx: But I am nuddered :<
[Construct] Grim/#'s: poor u lol
Originally Posted by Lagginator View Post
Shut the fuck up Sauce. He could do the dev work on an electric griddle for all I care as long as someone is working on 2.haven.
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