[1.9.5] Engineer rip time
There's been a really annoying problem in .4, and that's that defending engineers will simply hold down attack2 to steal whatever block back that an enemy engineer has just ripped. This is quite annoying and removes the point of ripping.
I think that for .5, the ripping engineers team should be granted a second to take the block, instead of allowing the enemy team to take it right back as soon as it's ripped.
And while you're at it, ditch the five points you get for ripping a block.
Before you ask why he's banned. Simply, he requested to be. He personally found that he visited this site too much, for no reason. Lack of self control I guess, but there you go. Ask him if you want on his Steam. -Black™
Last edited by Nrakla; 12-27-2008 at 01:47 AM.