Originally Posted by BattleBuddy
The only thing I can think that might be wrong is when extracting the files, some of them want to be renamed or replaced and I don't know which one to choose.
You should replace all files when prompted. Can you run HL2: Deathmatch without this problem? If DM is OK, then you should re-download, nuke your sourceforts folder, and reinstall (re-apply patch fix if your CPU is an older AMD). If DM won't run, problem is likely to be related to drivers (usually audio or video) or OS (ensure that Windows has the latest Service Pack applied, and the DirectX is latest version).
If none of this works, please post a run-down of the system (or as much as you know): computer model (or motherboard), CPU, memory, graphics, audio, any overclocked settings, windows version, and the full path to the SourceForts gameinfo.txt file. The Valve article mentioned in the FAQ may also have some things to try, but I think you've covered the basics.
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