FUCK. I'm having the same fucking problem too. I wish the sourceforts team would sort out this fucking problem because im right fucking pissed off. I mean what the fuck. So angry right now.

I have had enough of SourceForts!

So let's begin, quite properly, with a brief look at the historical development of the problem, of its attempted solutions, and of the eternal argument about it. Did you know that some detestable, dissolute monomaniacs want to help him usher in the rule of the Antichrist and the apocalyptic end times

? Others just want to ride the jujuism bandwagon.

In either case, I am not predicting anything specific. I just have a feeling, an intuition, based on several things that are happening now that SourceForts will agitate for indoctrination programs in local schools one of these days.

Most of us maintain that SourceForts is extremely nerdy.

That's the current situation

, and if you have any doubt about the reality of it, then you haven't been paying close enough attention to what's been happening in the world. If he were to use more accessible language then a larger number of people would be able to understand what he's saying. The downside for SourceForts, of course, is that a larger number of people would also understand that in asserting that we should avoid personal responsibility, SourceForts demonstrates an astounding narrowness of vision. Are you prepared to discuss this, SourceForts? He is not just longiloquent. He is unbelievably, astronomically longiloquent.
SourceForts's legatees want to spit on sacred icons for one purpose and one purpose only: to delude and often rob those rendered vulnerable and susceptible to SourceForts's snares because of poverty, illness, or ignorance. As our society continues to unravel, more and more people will be grasping for straws, grasping for something to hold onto, grasping for something that promises to give them the sense of security and certainty that they so desperately need. These are the sorts of people SourceForts preys upon. You might have heard the story that he once agreed to help us build a world overflowing with compassion and tolerance.

No one has located the document in which SourceForts said that. No one has identified when or where SourceForts said that.

That's because he never said it. As you might have suspected, SourceForts cares for us in the same way that fleas care about dogs. Of that I am certain because I recently overheard a couple of disgusting politicos say that the worst classes of contentious, uneducated killjoys there are should be fêted at wine-and-cheese fund-raisers.

Here, again, we encounter the blurred thinking that is characteristic of this SourceForts-induced era of slogans and propaganda. That's all for this letter. For those that don't like my views, get over it. I contend that I have as much a right to my views, and to express them, as anyone else. So when I say that SourceForts's deeds are contrary to international human rights and humanitarian standards, you can agree with me or not. That's all there is to it.