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Old 09-10-2009
New Recruit
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Default Any way to disable grenade and death PEEP sound?

So my problem is that I am oversensitive (really) for these sounds. I have to play with volume 0 and I don't want to. So my question is if there is ANY way to disable grenade and death PEEEEP sound? With anyway I mean disabling it from the game folder, using a command or download a custom sound to replace it.

Would be great if you added these features in the future versions. I know the grenade sound has a "point", but you can easily make it just disable all sounds for that 2 seconds. That's what it basically does anyway, the peep is just an annoying effect that can't be good for your hearing.

I appreciate if you could help me!
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Old 09-10-2009
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not sure if it still works or was taken out, press F1 next time, is/was bound to "restartsound". If that does not work open console and "bind F1 restartsound". Then it will work.
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Old 09-10-2009
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I think he means he just doesn't want the sound, not that he's getting the bug where it won't fuck off. I'm not sure how the files are handled, as I know in recent steam games all the files are in cache files that can't be touched. HL2DM is older though so it's possible you could change the sound files to blank files that play no sound but won't give you a "missing file" error. It might cause issues on servers that force file consistancy still, but it might be worth looking into.

Perhaps someone with better knowledge (or who isn't on a PC with no games) could investigate this further.
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Old 09-10-2009
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kaidus, .gcf files. Download gcfscape, find the sound files you want and replace them.
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Old 09-10-2009
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Gfc.... As in game cache files??!??!?!?!?

But yea didn't know that program existed. Plus does hl2dm actually use them? Swear it didn't.
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Old 09-10-2009
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Originally Posted by kaidus View Post
Gfc.... As in game cache files??!??!?!?!?

But yea didn't know that program existed. Plus does hl2dm actually use them? Swear it didn't.
Yeah well, maybe I should read before replying.
Originally Posted by Kanroook on his CRT Monitor
Sir Kanroook: I turn the radiator off in my room and use it as a heater
Sir Kanroook: in winter
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Old 09-10-2009
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All Source engine games use them. All you have to do is find the directory structure of the sound file, probably /sound/env/, and then add a blank sound file of the same type (probably a .wav) into the same directory structure but using SourceForts as your base directory.
Hey there.
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Old 09-10-2009
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Yea well maybe you should read before replying.
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Old 09-10-2009
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Thanks for the answers.

I downloaded GCFScape and opened Valve/Steam/SteamApps/source_sounds.gcf

With little searching I didn't find the sounds. While we are at it I'd like the get flashbang and HE peep from CSS. Are you sure this won't get me banned? What will happen when I join sv_pure servers when I don't have the default files?
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Old 09-10-2009
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You would never get banned for simply replacing files. The only method which gets you get banned, would be downloading from a shady site, which may bundle a program in a skin, sound or model which has a hack/cheat attached to it. A tip to avoid this is simply refusing to install custom content in the form of a .EXE file, from sites you don't fully trust. Isn't a completely fool proof plan, but it works pretty well.

If you run into a pure server, the worst that happens is that you would still hear the sounds in their original form or they maybe totally distorted and sound horrible, custom skins would revert to their defaults, and the models would either be wireframe or purely invisible. Most modified particles will simply deny you access to the server, therefore enforcing consistency. Most SourceForts servers due to the mod and it's age, do not use sv_pure.

Last edited by Black™; 09-10-2009 at 05:48 PM.
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