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Old 11-17-2006
Khuskan's Avatar
Veteran Fort God
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Default READ THIS FIRST - Important forum information

N.B. I'm reposting and restickying an updated version of k3ys post myself so that regulars actually notice it's changed and read it.

Before you post anything in these forums you must:
  • Read the (READ THIS FIRST) stickied topics in ALL sections of the forum, they exist for a reason. And if you think they don't apply to you... you're wrong, they apply to everyone.
  • Use the search tool to find if what you are going to post is already in another topic.
  • Use the correct forum.
If you do not follow these rules your post maybe locked or deleted.

And now, for some basic outlines. The following will get your post deleted/edited/censored or even get your account banned.
  • No flaming. Everyone can get annoyed at some times, but starting flame wars normally ends in thread lockage, ruining otherwise good discussions. If you feel the need to flame, show some restraint and at least attempt to follow your flame with some sort of positive embellishment. If you are being flamed, don't counter-flame. Thats how flame wars start, and thats how your thread gets locked.
  • No shock images/pornography/questionable content. Even if it is hidden behind 4 links and a huge red 'NSFW' text, the SF forums is not closed to minors, and such threads are a bad example on the community.
  • Try to keep on topic. Yes, I understand how hard that can be sometimes, but threads have titles for a reason. Stay within boundaries, and if you really feel you have another point to come up with that has very little relation to the thread, perhaps you should consider making your own. Then again, that doesn't mean you can make a new thread every little idea you have.
  • No thread spamming. There's a 10 character limit for a reason, and that reason is to make sure all threads have some sort of readability. Nonsensical or garbage threads are often deleted instantly and if you continue posting them, your account is at risk.
I know that you're probably thinking that we're clamping down on such things. This is not true; these guidelines have always been in place and are common on all forums, and following recent posts made by various users, I feel these rules need to be better put down where all can see.

Moderators will use their common sense, idea of context and judgement when it is nessacary to make a decision, be it to do nothing, about the content of wayward threads to make sure what is done is just and appropriate. We're not going to ban you for spelling mistakes, misinterpreting the post above or failing to spell your thread title right... just try to make a better impression for the community - that thing that we strive so hard to please.

Update: Forum Crackdown
Originally Posted by Khuskan View Post
Due to Khuskans total ineptitude at being a moderator, he has been demoted to administrator.

Yeah. Forum cleanup starts now. The following will be deleted and land you with a 2 day ban (none of these apply in the Sanity Requiem of course):
  • Any form of 'What is happening' or 'get your acts together' posts or threads. We get the idea thank you, and strangely enough, we are acting on it.
  • Any flaming of any sort in any forums, no matter how subtle.
  • Any post deliberately posting to wind moderators up.
  • Obvious thread derailment
This is of course on top of the already in-effect rules list found

<3 Khuskan.
<3 noca with some spellong corrections.
<3 RedXIII^ for laughing at the "spellong corrections"
fljo: this game sucsk and kukshna/khuskan thinks he to good since he a [dev[

Last edited by FuzionMonkey; 11-21-2007 at 01:06 AM.
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