Originally Posted by Black™
The only people in this thread that have contributed anything remotely useful is Nocturno, Deathwind and Majorpain.
If you find something to criticize, try backing it up? Try using something called constructive criticism? Also try phrasing it in a less demeaning way. How do you actually expect people to get better, by saying: "Fail map." "Shitty map." "QFT" etc.
I'd say the midfield needs more content, like walls and props to block a lot of the open space. I'd also suggest adding more trick jumping opportunities like upper levels, walkways etc. Lastly I'd advise you to avoid using most of the Sourceforts specific textures, as 99% of them are pretty bad.
Thank you for good advice.
There is no more levels because it is for a small number of people, at this time there is a good game even 1 on 1.
Now I say to those who want to change everything.
Below is a map source file.
(Right click and "save as...")
http://www.counterfiles.za.pl/cstrik...ose_battle.vmf -----> VMF File
http://www.counterfiles.za.pl/cstrik...ose_battle.vmx -----> VMX File
Change what you want but when you redistribute your version then please mention about my original map.
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