Suggestion : sf_training
Training map is what we need. For the 3 main classes. Like start out in a box. 3 portals, one that says "Engineer", one that says "Soldier" and one that says "Rocketeer". Go into the engineer one and have like targets with 100 hp like hoppin around and u gotta gnade them dead to proceed. Soldier, you should make it like, you get hurt every 3 seconds 10 damage or sometin and you gotta kill all the jumpin targets to stop the hurt and to proceed. Rocketeer make it like an obstacle course, like a capping course. Gotta rj over a wall Scroll rocket jump, nade jump, circle jump, circle scroll, slam rj etc..... It teachs engineer gravnading, soldier midfielder, and rocketeer cappin, itd be a nice map to use to get better on.