So I've been working on a little map called sf_royal, after getting the knack of hammer again. To make a long story short, it's set in a palace-like... ballroom maybe? At any rate, it's a three-tiered map, with an open first floor, a second floor consisting of the entrance to the stairs leading to the third floor, and a balcony that circles around the room. The third floor is a walkway that goes around the top, with two entrances to the second floor.
It'll use HDR, and be a lot prettier when I'm done with it. ;D
Hammershots (7/28/08 - third floor design fleshed out, starting on second floor balcony and entrance to third floor, and stairs between levels. I included a spawnpoint to show the scale. Finished map will be a lot bigger, still.)

Update 7/29

Update 8/31
Update 9/4
Update 9/10
Update 9/17