Some of you have played the pre-release, so here is the final version...
I've fixed the trapdoor not visible when closed issue,as well as some texture corrections.
The basic Idea for this map was to explore fixes for some of the things that annoy me in most maps,
such as AFK's in spawn, flag camping in spawn, slow spawn doors,
single spawn doors, tactical positions, flat flag areas
(this map allows access to flag from all six directions),and other things.
I've recieved a bit of feedback both positive and negative, and all I can say is:
"You can't please everyone." But for those who enjoyed the map, I figured I'd
make it available.
I just got so bored with open spaces, I thought I'd make some geometry to make
building a little more challenging to spice things up a bit...
(hence, complex, but also as an allusion to a training complex in a remote location)