Well it has taken quite a lot longer than I thought it would take, but I finally feel that my map is ready for release
The map is named sf_arena_beta3 at the moment as I would very much like the map to be played and tested with the SourceForts community before I release the final version of the map, which I will name sf_arena.
I would like to thank all those people on these forums for answering my many questions about making a map for SourceForts.
This is my first SourceForts map, and I hope you like it. I would definitely like to hear your feedback, whether positive or negative
sf_arena_beta2 Changes:
- Removed the word 'Beta' from the bottom of the map.
- Changed some of the textures on the map.
sf_arena_beta3 Changes:
- Added a wall on the bridge.
- Changed some of the textures on the map.
- Changed the skybox.
Here's a screenshot of sf_arena_beta3:
Download sf_arena_beta3 (FileFront)