Basically, I want to show off some ideas I've been coming up for 2.0, and how I'm getting on with actually making them. The idea of this thread is to get some feedback on how things are going so far, and possibly get some ideas that could be implemented into the maps.
sf_timesplitters [WIP]
The name is only temporary, as the original brushwork was inspired by the good ol' 'splitters, and other various games.

This is the first layout I have come up with for the map. I feel it fits the idea of sf2.0 well so far, as it's large (but not too large) and has varying paths to get to each control point (or CP). As you can see, I have strayed a bit from the original design, which was actually supposed to be based in a more desert environment, or a canyon, but I can't texture for shit, so...

This is how I'm getting on with that, but I do feel that it's a bit too sparse, and could use some input here on how to spice it up. Note that it is all a WIP.
I'll update as I make more progress.