lets do a sexy project dude?!

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lets do a sexy project dude?!
Good to have you back,man ! I thought you were dead x(
Hey there, I really like your SVU model and skin. I'm from a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP community in GMod. I would love to use what you've created, along with the sounds and textures. Could you please send me a link to where I can download maybe a .zip package with all of the contents of the current version of the gun?
Hello. I used your Docter sight here. Added proper credits so I hope you don't mind.
Hey, just wondering if I can include the additional textures from this submission in my skin when i release it? I will credit whoever needs crediting (who did make those textures by the way? so i can credit them...)
Thanks :)
'Nothing personal' my ass. You're ad hominem personified.
You also have no proof to back up your claim that I think I'm the king of FPSB. I'm not, and I don't think I am. Don't know what gave you that idea, but I think you're drawing nonexistent conclusions on nonexistent evidence.
I also have an account over at deviantArt, where people are a lot less nice. Granted, I'd like to see some more criticism rather than empty praise... but such is FPSB.
But I think I like you - at least you're honest.
I don't appreciate your calling me a plagiarizing 'copy-and-paste bitch.' I spent a lot of time and effort creating, designing, and drawing that weapon. It just so happens that my idea coincided with a design philosophy over at Magpul, and the two weapons ended up looking similar. Not the same, similar. It's an ergonomic, compact, bullpup submachine gun - with such a niche category, you're not going to get much in te way of variance.
So shut the fuck up. You have no idea what you're talking about, and you have no right to call me anything. What have I ever done to you, eh? I respect your work, and you ought to respect mine.
If you've got a problem with me, man up and say it to my face. Don't trash my WIP with a snide cynical comment. That's not cool.
Hey Robot ! havent seen stuff from u for months ! Still modding or gave it up already ?
How is the SVU going :D
Alright great, i've got a few weapons that need to be modelled
which one of these interests you
mosin nagant m44 m16a2 browning HP SVU sniper rifle rpg-29 mp-443 GRACH