Why you made that thread?

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Why you made that thread?
That's what you can expect on a site like FPSBanana. You'll have furries, anti-furries, and people wondering what furry is in the first place.
You trashed your topic before I could say anything. Basically, to summarize what I said. It's perfectly fine if there's an anti-furry club. But when they start to target specific members in posts and topics like they do/did in the Assassin's Existance fan club, then it turns problematic.
And most of the WoW fanboys are annoying little 12 year olds who have no life outside of the internet and have trouble with their social life.
Well, it's pretty much like a WoW fanboy posting in the Anti-WoW club. You don't really want to have those kinds of posts in the club.
No it isnt?
It's a very, very long story.
Oh, and I can't delete it since my post level was reset when I had to get my new account.
Oh, yeah thanks. :)
Review of the day? What do you mean? Also thanks.
I no how you feel about blood suckers i want go near that village either:D unless im fully loaded:D