- who?
- Griefer + Spawnblocker
- votekick/ban
- admin...
- Need a Dedi Windows Server
- Griefer
- Steambans and Digis
- Any SF Server Optimization Guides?
- Voteban doesnt work
- Suggestion
- What type of time limit?
- Griefer
- New DigiS Feature
- How Do I Install SourceForts On Windows 2003 Web
- problem player... griefer
- Griefers
- Major Griefer
- Griefer
- server idea
- Griefers
- watch out for ,Ja! clan
- admin Commands!
- Global ban list for stupid reason
- Cought myg0t fag griefing
- Unrepentant greifer
- Items Spawning list
- Unfair ban
- respawn time limit
- Music on Server
- more people to be banned
- SF_Command [Beta] Play Server Test To Be Held Tonight!
- Idiot admin
- A Myg0t for banning.
- Hacker attacking servers
- Griefer for banning: screenshots & log
- Creating a Listen Server
- Griffing team
- Another for the Pile
- More Candidates for Global Banlist
- SourceForts Server Plugins / Scripts
- Anybody know how to get admin skins to work?
- Idea to stop Griefers
- less build and combat phases
- stupid kids ban list.
- How to make a Winodws Dedicated Server Online with mani-mod
- Blair99 on DIGIS
- Who runs a Windows Dedicated server? PLZ l00k!
- Global Admin List
- ma_swapteam
- LMAO Overwatchers.com
- griefer on fafinaf
- Windows Server Guide??
- Requesting Global Ban for this guy
- Team Stacking
- Griefer on SignaL
- Panic command for servers
- mani amx menu problems
- Griefer on fafinaf
- manimod and end-of-round voting
- cfg and plugins not loading
- abusive server admins?
- Adult Swim - Saturday 09/02/06!
- Joe Server
- mini_city
- list of server cvars?
- hmm sf_roundlimit 2 not working
- "Monk" Greifer on aKa [to global ban]
- Spawn blocks
- Adult Swim - server idea
- Applying for server admin
- changelevel bug?
- Match Opinion Script
- Griefer on [HDG] gaming serveur [Video inside now]
- Full Ammo Script
- Vehicles working I hear?
- (Tutorial) Creating a SourceForts Dedicated Server
- Found a griefer
- Griefer on Fafnaf
- Why are you running the ratetweak plugin?
- SF Radio
- Team Swap Script?
- Griefer on Overwatchers- the destructor STEAM_0:1:3654811
- Griefer on Fafinal Server - Armo STEAM_0:0:10327988
- Server.cfg
- A good reason to pick gameservers.
- Griefer on the AANG.org MultiGamingCommunity server
- How do u make a source forts dedicated server.
- Griefers Please Read!!
- Serious Griefer discussion
- More Griefers
- More griefers now?
- Griefer on the |EV|Eternal Vigilance server
- SourceForts: SFU v1.2 -addon- [13/8/06]
- Griefer and possible "terrorist/anti-american"
- How to fix 100percent cpu usage on linux servers
- Lamer/game exploiter
- New Map Voting - See what people think about custom maps
- Huge griefer, bE server!
- Server Spawn Console Error [Solution]
- Destroy a Block and God Mode
- Griefer on [BE] server
- Greifer on TA
- Suverin Server Issues
- HUGE GRIEFER on official SF Server
- RateTweak, can't use rcon
- cpu usage off the chart, even for empty servers
- A new griefer, on the Digis server.
- Windows and Linux Server Plugin Package
- AMX Style Menus?
- Cactus griefer in a server
- |aka| clan server greifer ...
- fafinaf?! griefer dude
- SourceMM
- please remove sf_levetation from your rotations
- New Server: j2 | Sourceforts 1.9.1 Server
- Disconnect: Server uses different classtable. Plz Help!
- Installed Mani from the Sticky, now what?
- fafinaf?! server Griefer Richard/Sammy
- DigiS admins
- Another griefer, Digis server
- server config
- Weapons do not load on my server!!!
- Weapons do not load on my server!!!
- Information needed from Dev's and Beta team
- Mani Plugin help
- Free HTTP downloads for servers
- Entro, global bann? Why?
- Why the Global Ban list is a bad idea.
- Un warrented kick-ban.
- What can I use?
- Lnx admins, and all admins...
- the definitive "sore loser"
- Erm, could I have a little attention from Digis' admins?
- DigiS Griefer Forum
- SourceForts script: AntiStuck
- enabling sf_combat_ freeze + unfreeze limits
- Running Mattie's EventScripts on Sourceforts servers
- What I need to see in your griefer reports.
- Fort wrecker on [bE] server, demo and SteamID
- This mod sucks, gmod is better...
- (READ THIS FIRST) Greifer Report Links
- 'Nother greifer...
- If i want to mani admin to SourceForts..... (Read More ->
- Apology to |aka|
- Anti-griefer tool - (Endorsed By Devs)
- Console commands?
- Problem players
- Admin Abuse on [Digis]
- How to spawn Ammo crates!!
- Server Exec's
- Reporting a griefer
- Vac2 Secure?
- Faster Engineer heal rate
- FIX: Players stuck together in spawn room.
- Sf commands help
- Global Banlist to b requirement with 2.0?
- Plugin: Last Connected
- Global banlist
- Calling Unknown -=?=- Server Owners and Clan Leaders
- great thanks to yahoo
- Mani loading then crashing
- Public Ban List
- huge flat map no airboats
- Admin abuser on |aka|
- mani admin pluging
- my server probs
- votebanned from HTH..
- HtH server joining problems
- why was i being votebanned?
- Admin Skins
- Installing Mani Admin Plugin (Windows + Linux)
- DigiS Server
- Rankings
- Plugin: Show last users to disconnect.
- My server
- SDS, Cannot understand
- Team Balance!
- deactivate teambalane
- The Instruction at "xxxxxxx" and "xxxxxxxx&qu
- Server with HLDS
- Greifer
- IRC Relay and Sourceforts servers
- Mani Admin
- lnx server?
- Server name reset?!?
- "My Server Doesn't Work", The Help File
- Mani
- STEAM ID problems while Joining.
- Recent Source Update - lost VAC Secure Mode :(
- Server crash reason:
- Map voting
- [XForts] Server Wierdness
- How to set max players on listen server?
- Multiple map cycles
- Serversize
- How do i install on linux?
- SourceMM update, v1.1
- TainInfernus Servers
- rcon_password rcon_adress problems
- Hlds with SourceForts
- Serverconfiguration or which timelimits are the best?
- How to auto update from the -=?=- ban list
- SF 1.9.0 on Linux - it crashes after a while
- Is there an admin mod that isnt mani?
- Mani makes things crash
- v1.9.2 All SourceForts Console Commands/CVARs
- unknown command
- My server problems, Advice please
- Mani Admin Plugin: Quake Sounds
- List of Helpful Binds and Scripts
- server not in server list.
- Sourceforts 1.9.0 - 2x Dedicated in Australia
- -=?=- servers
- question about server plugins
- Sunny D
- Server Crashes?q
- just wonderin
- Blocking Weapons made easy :)
- Server Logging
- dedicated server
- server fps
- Game.txt Missing
- sounds... where are you
- Multiple Map Cycles
- Space delimeter problem
- Forcing Build/Fight
- server maps.
- Ban list
- VAC 2
- Rcon_password has no effect on my Dedicated Server
- help, tickrate problems
- when the server crashes
- Need help with a command line
- Command
- Need help with a command line
- Mani Admin Plugin Problems ?
- Gameinfo.txt is missing
- Create server.
- How to temporary ban?
- Any idea when the Linux Build or the v2 will be out?
- Auto-reboot program for Windows Servers
- Server Plugin
- Could not establish connection to Steam servers
- Console Command to add blocks
- linux dedicated server?
- found a way to change weapons.
- Stop Auto-Map Change?
- Linux