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Pages : 1 [2] 3

  1. who?
  2. Griefer + Spawnblocker
  3. votekick/ban
  4. admin...
  5. Need a Dedi Windows Server
  6. Griefer
  7. Steambans and Digis
  8. Any SF Server Optimization Guides?
  9. Voteban doesnt work
  10. Suggestion
  11. What type of time limit?
  12. Griefer
  13. New DigiS Feature
  14. How Do I Install SourceForts On Windows 2003 Web
  15. problem player... griefer
  16. Griefers
  17. Major Griefer
  18. Griefer
  19. server idea
  20. Griefers
  21. watch out for ,Ja! clan
  22. admin Commands!
  23. Global ban list for stupid reason
  24. Cought myg0t fag griefing
  25. Unrepentant greifer
  26. Items Spawning list
  27. Unfair ban
  28. respawn time limit
  29. Music on Server
  30. more people to be banned
  31. SF_Command [Beta] Play Server Test To Be Held Tonight!
  32. Idiot admin
  33. A Myg0t for banning.
  34. Hacker attacking servers
  35. Griefer for banning: screenshots & log
  36. Creating a Listen Server
  37. Griffing team
  38. Another for the Pile
  39. More Candidates for Global Banlist
  40. SourceForts Server Plugins / Scripts
  41. Anybody know how to get admin skins to work?
  42. Idea to stop Griefers
  43. less build and combat phases
  44. stupid kids ban list.
  45. How to make a Winodws Dedicated Server Online with mani-mod
  46. Blair99 on DIGIS
  47. Who runs a Windows Dedicated server? PLZ l00k!
  48. Global Admin List
  49. ma_swapteam
  50. LMAO Overwatchers.com
  51. griefer on fafinaf
  52. Windows Server Guide??
  53. Requesting Global Ban for this guy
  55. Team Stacking
  56. Griefer on SignaL
  57. Panic command for servers
  58. mani amx menu problems
  59. Griefer on fafinaf
  60. manimod and end-of-round voting
  61. cfg and plugins not loading
  62. abusive server admins?
  63. Adult Swim - Saturday 09/02/06!
  64. Joe Server
  65. mini_city
  66. list of server cvars?
  67. hmm sf_roundlimit 2 not working
  68. "Monk" Greifer on aKa [to global ban]
  69. Spawn blocks
  70. Adult Swim - server idea
  71. Applying for server admin
  72. changelevel bug?
  73. Match Opinion Script
  74. Griefer on [HDG] gaming serveur [Video inside now]
  75. Full Ammo Script
  76. Vehicles working I hear?
  77. (Tutorial) Creating a SourceForts Dedicated Server
  78. Found a griefer
  79. Griefer on Fafnaf
  80. Why are you running the ratetweak plugin?
  81. SF Radio
  82. Team Swap Script?
  83. Griefer on Overwatchers- the destructor STEAM_0:1:3654811
  84. Griefer on Fafinal Server - Armo STEAM_0:0:10327988
  85. Server.cfg
  86. A good reason to pick gameservers.
  87. Griefer on the AANG.org MultiGamingCommunity server
  88. How do u make a source forts dedicated server.
  89. Griefers Please Read!!
  90. Serious Griefer discussion
  91. More Griefers
  92. More griefers now?
  93. Griefer on the |EV|Eternal Vigilance server
  94. SourceForts: SFU v1.2 -addon- [13/8/06]
  95. Griefer and possible "terrorist/anti-american"
  96. How to fix 100percent cpu usage on linux servers
  97. Lamer/game exploiter
  98. New Map Voting - See what people think about custom maps
  99. Huge griefer, bE server!
  100. Server Spawn Console Error [Solution]
  101. Destroy a Block and God Mode
  102. Griefer on [BE] server
  103. Greifer on TA
  104. Suverin Server Issues
  105. HUGE GRIEFER on official SF Server
  106. RateTweak, can't use rcon
  107. cpu usage off the chart, even for empty servers
  108. A new griefer, on the Digis server.
  109. Windows and Linux Server Plugin Package
  110. AMX Style Menus?
  111. Cactus griefer in a server
  112. |aka| clan server greifer ...
  113. fafinaf?! griefer dude
  114. SourceMM
  115. please remove sf_levetation from your rotations
  116. New Server: j2 | Sourceforts 1.9.1 Server
  117. Disconnect: Server uses different classtable. Plz Help!
  118. Installed Mani from the Sticky, now what?
  119. fafinaf?! server Griefer Richard/Sammy
  120. DigiS admins
  121. Another griefer, Digis server
  122. server config
  123. Weapons do not load on my server!!!
  124. Weapons do not load on my server!!!
  125. Information needed from Dev's and Beta team
  126. Mani Plugin help
  127. Free HTTP downloads for servers
  128. Entro, global bann? Why?
  129. Why the Global Ban list is a bad idea.
  130. Un warrented kick-ban.
  131. What can I use?
  132. Lnx admins, and all admins...
  133. the definitive "sore loser"
  134. Erm, could I have a little attention from Digis' admins?
  135. DigiS Griefer Forum
  136. SourceForts script: AntiStuck
  137. enabling sf_combat_ freeze + unfreeze limits
  138. Running Mattie's EventScripts on Sourceforts servers
  139. What I need to see in your griefer reports.
  140. Fort wrecker on [bE] server, demo and SteamID
  141. This mod sucks, gmod is better...
  142. (READ THIS FIRST) Greifer Report Links
  143. 'Nother greifer...
  144. If i want to mani admin to SourceForts..... (Read More ->
  145. Apology to |aka|
  146. Anti-griefer tool - (Endorsed By Devs)
  147. Console commands?
  148. Problem players
  149. Admin Abuse on [Digis]
  150. How to spawn Ammo crates!!
  151. Server Exec's
  152. Reporting a griefer
  153. Vac2 Secure?
  154. Faster Engineer heal rate
  155. FIX: Players stuck together in spawn room.
  156. Sf commands help
  157. Global Banlist to b requirement with 2.0?
  158. Plugin: Last Connected
  159. Global banlist
  160. Calling Unknown -=?=- Server Owners and Clan Leaders
  161. great thanks to yahoo
  162. Mani loading then crashing
  163. Public Ban List
  164. huge flat map no airboats
  165. Admin abuser on |aka|
  166. mani admin pluging
  167. my server probs
  168. votebanned from HTH..
  169. HtH server joining problems
  170. why was i being votebanned?
  171. Admin Skins
  172. Installing Mani Admin Plugin (Windows + Linux)
  173. DigiS Server
  174. Rankings
  175. Plugin: Show last users to disconnect.
  176. My server
  177. SDS, Cannot understand
  178. Team Balance!
  179. deactivate teambalane
  180. The Instruction at "xxxxxxx" and "xxxxxxxx&qu
  181. Server with HLDS
  182. Greifer
  183. IRC Relay and Sourceforts servers
  184. Mani Admin
  185. lnx server?
  186. Server name reset?!?
  187. "My Server Doesn't Work", The Help File
  188. Mani
  189. STEAM ID problems while Joining.
  190. Recent Source Update - lost VAC Secure Mode :(
  191. Server crash reason:
  192. Map voting
  193. [XForts] Server Wierdness
  194. How to set max players on listen server?
  195. Multiple map cycles
  196. Serversize
  197. How do i install on linux?
  198. SourceMM update, v1.1
  199. TainInfernus Servers
  200. rcon_password rcon_adress problems
  201. Hlds with SourceForts
  202. Serverconfiguration or which timelimits are the best?
  203. How to auto update from the -=?=- ban list
  204. SF 1.9.0 on Linux - it crashes after a while
  205. Is there an admin mod that isnt mani?
  206. Mani makes things crash
  207. v1.9.2 All SourceForts Console Commands/CVARs
  208. unknown command
  209. My server problems, Advice please
  210. Mani Admin Plugin: Quake Sounds
  211. List of Helpful Binds and Scripts
  212. server not in server list.
  213. Sourceforts 1.9.0 - 2x Dedicated in Australia
  214. -=?=- servers
  215. question about server plugins
  216. Sunny D
  217. Server Crashes?q
  218. just wonderin
  219. Blocking Weapons made easy :)
  220. Server Logging
  221. dedicated server
  222. server fps
  223. Game.txt Missing
  224. sounds... where are you
  225. Multiple Map Cycles
  226. SERVER CRASH!!!
  227. Space delimeter problem
  228. Forcing Build/Fight
  229. server maps.
  230. Ban list
  231. VAC 2
  232. Rcon_password has no effect on my Dedicated Server
  233. help, tickrate problems
  234. when the server crashes
  235. Need help with a command line
  236. Command
  237. Need help with a command line
  238. Mani Admin Plugin Problems ?
  239. Gameinfo.txt is missing
  240. Create server.
  241. How to temporary ban?
  242. Any idea when the Linux Build or the v2 will be out?
  243. Auto-reboot program for Windows Servers
  244. Server Plugin
  245. Could not establish connection to Steam servers
  246. Console Command to add blocks
  247. linux dedicated server?
  248. found a way to change weapons.
  249. Stop Auto-Map Change?
  250. Linux