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Old 03-23-2006
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Default Installing Mani Admin Plugin (Windows + Linux)

This is the gametypes.txt file that should make mani work for sf. This will make all command except ma_swapteam work. Unfortunately I cannot fix that error because it was generated by the March 12/13th Valve update. If I find a work around for that error I will update the post with the information.

edit, use new url.

EDIT: March 26

Everthing works now even ma_swapteam. Simply install base mani beta 1.2M and use these files. This is for source meta mod version. If you use the regular mani version use the mani_server.cfg and the gametypes.txt file still but get the rev 7 from the mani forums. The dll and so file in this are just the ones form mani beta 1.2m rev 7 if you were wondering.

edit: April 17th

This is the files for mani on windows, the same ones BE has now. This is for the non beta of mani. Use this on the last stable release.
Old 03-24-2006
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HELP. My mani is stuffed. Simple As.

Eat crayons, poop rainbows!
Old 03-24-2006
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Found out what don't work its the ma_mapchange it crashes the server sao votemap's nomination all that don't work and crash the server making it unable to restart
Eat crayons, poop rainbows!
Old 03-27-2006
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I wuv you yahoo. :wink:
Old 03-27-2006
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Good job yahoo
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Old 03-27-2006
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my SourceForts prefabs. including flags, and re-use-able spawners, for both teams.
[14:24] Billeh.: I just caught my dad on porn.
you are a nice person, love noca xx
Old 10-28-2009
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ourceMod open source.
Mani closed source.

SourceMod epically pwns Mani, in my book....

BTW, there's nothing wrong with Joomla as a CMS...but like everything there are vulnerabilities that get exposed. They have a mailing list that all server owners can subscribe to so that when the CMS gets updated, you can find out right away.

Obviously Mani didn't get the email...

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