Except for the part where it was a horrible idea and making a habit out of doing this eventually caught up with him when he slipped and fell to his horribly squishy death.
Originally Posted by Frozen
noooo every time someone quotes me I feel like my soul is being taken away a little
Not in cruelty, \ not in wrath, \ the Reaper came today.\ An angel visited \ this gray path, \ and took the cube away.
Except for the part where it was a horrible idea and making a habit out of doing this eventually caught up with him when he slipped and fell to his horribly squishy death.
He actually died while on a rope. Or at least he trusted them rope to hold him while jumping, but it melted due to friction and he got squished.
He had done a world-record jump, and wanted to do it again. The second time round (with no cameras around, just a frand) the ropes got fucked and he fell and died. GG I say.
Originally Posted by Kanroook on his CRT Monitor
Sir Kanroook: I turn the radiator off in my room and use it as a heater
Sir Kanroook: in winter