Originally Posted by NYA
That doesn't change the fact that you're evaluating a presidency that hasn't even occurred yet (and based on an article from a conservative news source. Seriously?).
I'm evaluating the opening moves of a presidency that was promised as being radically different than what we'd seen before. So far it doesn't look like any major problems are being solved or even addressed by Pres. Obama. Where is "change in our lifetime?"
Also as for my choice of news source, why would I look in a liberal news source for criticisms of the Democrat's messiah? I do have the good sense to ignore extremists. For instance, in the article you link I doubt Obama will follow through on half of those as strongly as the writer seems to fear.
Originally Posted by Frozen
noooo every time someone quotes me I feel like my soul is being taken away a little 
Not in cruelty, \ not in wrath, \ the Reaper came today.\ An angel visited \ this gray path, \ and took the cube away.