"Each time it was clear the person had to be “at birth” loyal only to the United States."
citation please.
My source of choice, wikipedia (with all that it entails), states that "The phrase "natural born Citizen" is not defined anywhere in the Constitution" and it mentions no supreme court cases where loyalty at birth was in any way considered. As I understand it, the term "dual citizen" in terms of US law does not bear any sort of special significance other than that they have full citizenship in two countries. With that, there is no explicit limitation on their status as a "natural born" citizen. The best this case can hope for is to be heard by the supreme court, but it's impossible for Obama to just lose the presidency without being able to fight for it.
It is also important to note that
"Three United States District Courts have ruled that private citizens do not have standing to challenge the eligibility of candidates to appear on a presidential election ballot" stating that congress must challenge his elegibility. Given the democratically controlled congress, it is unlikely they would press the matter, even if it were legitimate.