Originally Posted by zerocool
Cover ups??
These people are consiparcy theorists, they try to scare people with faked pictures and unclear "false" video's.
It's the same as ghost picture.
Almost all these pictures are from mexico, because they have national program just like "Cops" covering UFO stories. Almost all their stuff is analyzed by third parties (NOT gouverment for all your officials out their) and they came to the conclusion that they are fake, a camera lighting/ focus flaw, a refelction or just some plane / ballon.
I believe it is very plausible that since the size of the universe, intelligent life could evolve in other places. But if a race was capable of travelling instellar, WHY WOULD THEY COME TO EARTH?
Like we are that intersting with our low level technology, religous indifferences and killing others, 3D perspective of life, limited senses, unable to effectivly live throughout the environment and only 10.000 years of evolution.
Mexico? Mexico, and all south american countries have open policies reguarding ufos, unlike the US which chooses to cover it up or refuse to broadcast it. Even if most are fakes or can be explained if just 1% can not be explained, then there is some chance that there are ET's visiting us.
Why would they come to earth. Well if say there is life(at least bacterial) on 1 in 10 million planets, then there is only intelligent life cable of understanding the power of the atom on 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets, then they have a reason to come here.