I personally think you've succeeded, but I think that's because it's such a simplistic map. No offense meant, but I think you can understand what I'm saying.
It's great there's more mappers, but to be completely honest the map is way too bland and baron even for a SF map. (Which is saying something, since SF maps tend to be rather empty to allow for a lot of building and breathing space.) In both terms of Gameplay & Aesthetics, it needs more content so to speak. Places to help prop up blocks, make walls against, miniature walls and ramps to trick jump off of. Fact is flat ground is really dull for this game, and the side ramps are in a position which completely over power the map. Since they're so far forward, is makes building walls and defences further back rather redundant and easily rendered useless.
Next up the flag placement is really too close to the spawn. Although it's a good idea to avoid having the flag a million ingame units away, having it literally a few steps from the spawn isn't a good idea either. Since the round tends to stalemate even more so because people can easily respawn heal and repair the block within seconds of their next respawn. Again I hope you don't get offended, and I don't mean to discourage you. Altering the map even slightly would help a lot. For example moving the flag onto a raised platform which is above the area you exit the spawn door.