Welcome to the second developer diary for Sourceforts 2.0.0 codename "Wargasm". In this diary I will detail the creation of a weapon model that will be used in the first phase release. This gun has yet to be named, but the thread about it in the developer forums calls it the "Combine Rifle." It's design was inspired by the Combine Sniper Rifle, but this is NOT a sniper rifle. It is an assault rifle with different characteristics from the AR2 and the SMG.
Combine Sniper Rifle:
And the Model over the reference picture:
As this is a very inorganic gun, I use a technique I like to call 'box modeling'. What I mean by this is I start with a rectangular prism, and extrude, add loops, or whatever to get the shapes required.
As this is not a sniper rifle, the barrel is shortened from the reference, and the scope will not be modelled. 'Iron sights' will be added, as well as a clip for automatic fire. GCool is currently designing these features.
Also, as this is still very early in the production, changes can be made very easily. If you have any ideas, feel free to share.