Server Administration
So since everyone else is doing it, I guess I should too. Here's roughly what I do.
1:00pm - Check PMs, see a staff member has a request for the version control system.
3:00 - Check PMs, see the staff member's request is still there. Delete.
3:15 to 5:00 - Log onto IRC. Make dirty comments in the staff channel. Leave.
5:25 to 10:00 am - Five and a half hours of Left hand Love!
One week later:
1:00pm - Staff member PM'd again. Ignore it.
4:00pm - Pretend I didn't get the PM when confronted about the change in IRC. Blame Stieffers.
5:00pm - Troll forums and talk about boobies.
6:00pm - Write unfunny thread in the developer diaries.
Last edited by Khuskan; 01-22-2007 at 06:45 PM.
Reason: Fixed to be more true.