On time, sort of.
The basic style for the player models is a mix of what Ccarcia did
[link] and what cowboy is doing
[link]. The idea is to use cowboys concepts as the skeleton, and add armor plates in the style that Ccarcia drew them. The scout is CCarcia's drawing, minus the diamonds and black iRobot-esque muscle, with cowboys skeletal stlye instead.
This is my first attempt at a character model. This diary will be fairly slow. Critiques are welcomed, please be brutally honest.
This is what I have so far:

Its a leg, if you cant tell
A bit anti-climactic, isn't it? I've remodeled the whole thing twice, and the knee/joint has gone through at least 6 revisions (2 of which were based on the black muscle style). I'm not sure If I will keep it at this. The round things that look like livers will be ribbed via normal map.
The next step is the foot, which will incorporate a visual indication that the scout does not take fall damage.