



HavenForts: Construct JetFists - The Chronicles of Wargasm (Episode 2, NeoForts)
Old 03-26-2008
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Default Map Creation

Just going to write a diary on how I took a map from brushwork and made it into a finish and final map.

Yes I know I'm not a developer but the map should be put into 194 so Khuskan asked me to write a diary.

Anyway, the original brushwork was done by 011003, as part of a recreation of tactical, apart from the general S shape of the map nothing else belongs to FicWill, maybe a few textures but I can't remember off the top of my head. So the original brushwork was done by 011003, but as I was getting confused by how she had done the brushwork I redid alot of it anyway, I did keep all the same measurements though. I accepted the map several months ago to add some brushwork into the middle and have a go at texturing it. A few months ago I picked it back up and spent a day fixing it all up, since then I have been added things here and things there to get it into a final state.

So the file I got was untextured apart from grey textures so you could tell brushes apart.

The shape was there and I did like 011003's design so I was happy to attempt to finish it, a few weeks after getting the vmf, 011003 told me I could finish the map on my own rather than sending it back to her to finish texturing it.

Anyway, after retexturing it, adding custom decals, adding new lighting, new skybox this is what it looked like:

I asked a few people to test it and got their opinions, many saying it was unfair that 1 base was more or less in shadows and the other was lit so I added this to a thing I wanted to change. A few other things appeared as well with the brushwork, like being able to trickjump from the side platforms right into peoples forts.

So after I changed the lighting and the brushwork I recompiled and got more views.

I was nearing completion of the map now, I was happy with most of the brushwork and happy with the lighting and textures. Before the final compile I changed a few textures to some custom ones that I had created, then got Khuskan to help me with the optimizations and then finally had him help me with the HDR. Though we did run into some problems, which was crashing occuring on togglephase, lovely Khuskan found the problem.

AND AFTER A AGONIZING 2MINUTES AND 37SECONDS the map was final compiled with all its hotness.

Result being..

So now here's where you people come in. I need a name for the map, so far the maps codename is tacbeta2.

Khuskan's suggestion: sf_trussed
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Old 03-26-2008
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Some clever pun on Haven, maybe?

Looks amasing though, great work, everyone =]

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Originally Posted by zerocool View Post
Music? I think something is wrong with my soundcard.
Everytime I start that youtube video I hear a lot of loud noise and yelling.
Originally Posted by Sauce
how the hell do you think that is sig-worthy? :S
Old 03-26-2008
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good map but looks hard to not defend. which means harder to cap the enemy's flag.
Originally Posted by Black™ View Post
I'm serious, if it's that painfully obvious. It'd be like "Lol the mod that ripped off TF2 completely."

Old 03-26-2008
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Originally Posted by yahan View Post
good map but looks hard to not defend. which means harder to cap the enemy's flag.
You mean... attack?
fljo: this game sucsk and kukshna/khuskan thinks he to good since he a [dev[
Old 03-26-2008
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Wtf? Rick Rolled?
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Well for the pro there going to be able to attack and not worry about there fort being broken into.
Originally Posted by Black™ View Post
I'm serious, if it's that painfully obvious. It'd be like "Lol the mod that ripped off TF2 completely."

Old 03-26-2008
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Looks very good.

sf_tocticol is my suggestion.


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Old 03-26-2008
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i still love tacbeta...heh.

Originally Posted by yahan View Post
good map but looks hard to not defend. which means harder to cap the enemy's flag.
well ya when i starting making it, someone suggested walkways up top, may have even been billeh. I was just set on making tactical without the switches cuz of the whole "cant use my maps in any further releases thing" but wills a good guy. I'm not sure how that played out...but umm...

yea with those walkways it does make it hard to defend, also makes it easy to attack, making it a game about attacking/defending bases not pressing buttons. Although when your team lost control of the switches it kinda gives me a rush of like "omg they are gonna just pour in through that window now" made it fun imo. Now that can always happen.

Billeh did change (which i think is a good thing) the length of those walkways, before they came through the buildwall so you can ramp up there on the build phase.

Heres a video of what I gave billeh, and he slapped some sexy textures on it, and fixed midfield, great job!
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Last edited by 013109; 03-26-2008 at 10:13 PM.
Old 03-27-2008
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Tactical NEEDS to be harder to defend..
Old 03-27-2008
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It is hard to defend :S I reckon it is, if your any good at trick jumping you should be able to get from the ledge past any wall. Also any window fort would get shot down in seconds.
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Old 03-27-2008
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Originally Posted by Billeh_Bob View Post
It is hard to defend :S I reckon it is, if your any good at trick jumping you should be able to get from the ledge past any wall. Also any window fort would get shot down in seconds.
ya tacbeta2 is on my server and ive seen people do a few tricks off ramp in the midfield as well as off off the flag stool thingy to the ledge near the window.

so can i update this map or wait till .4 /cry!!!
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