Things are going good for SourceForts. Version 1.9 is on the horizon and version 2.0 is progressing. The models that OverDose, FictiousWill, and I are pumping out are beautiful. The code that jlf is throwing around is stable... except for that one bug which he spent hours trying to figure out. An entire fact sheet was devoted to its downfall, many hours were spent decoding its secrets, only to figure out that the fix was extremely simple.
Along with version 1.9, a new site is in the works. I must say it looks awesome.. even if that is coming from the designer. Once the site is up, so should a bunch of renders, screenshots, and what ever else we can throw in there to keep you media craving forum lurkers happy. The new site is much more conventional than the current one, but it should serve the mod well and continue with the theme of the previous sites.
One more thing, the release date for SourceForts Mod Client Version 1.9 is... When it's ready. So stop asking