What kind of lame ass
teacher asigns a 1500 word essay on the book
1984 in the form of a friendly letter that's due the next day? Seriously, who does that? And then, who asigns a 1000 word essay over the weekend, which I just happen to be grounded on. (Don't lie to parents.) I'm sick of these atrocities. Teachers need to learn that writing essays is not cool. I have figured out why these essays are being asigned though. The teacher is British. That is why. God damn Brits. Essay writing bastards.
On the SourceForts front, I've been trying to get this damn league crap finished. But... who knows. Damn scripting... not exactly my expertise. I'm opening this thread up for questions. Aks me anything you'd like related to modeling, mapping,
silver manufactoring, or website developing.