Originally Posted by Aun
I agree. I vaguely recall Entro (I think) saying something about a bug where the concussion sound played endlessly. We ahouls hear about bad things about beta testing too :wink:
That was probably one of the single most annoying bugs I've ever seen. Every time I'd get killed by a grenade, I'd hear that super loud ringing until I left the server. I ended up playing a few playtests with no sound out of fear that I'd have to endure that screeching again, it's seriously horrible to hear for more than a few seconds.
As far as the more crazy bugs go.. the worst was probably blocks becoming invisible. I'm still not sure what was causing it (though jlf is), or how it was fixed, but trying to navigate a base with invisible blocks is frustrating as well as near impossible. Just before 1.9 hit beta, me and Stinger had some weird problems with the flags in the alpha. It'd dissapear, slide around the map, drop out of players that weren't holding it, send players trying to touch the flags rocketing into the air, and pretty much anything else you can image. The flags were just screwed up.
In a somewhat recent beta build, we had flags returning to random points on the map (but this is fixed now). It was especially crappy when my team's flag would return to right next to the enemy's flag. And then when we'd finally get the chance to return our flag, we'd touch it and it'd throw us into the sky, and on a map like resevoir, that's a long way down.
A mistake in the code (I think) that forced you to hold the freeze button for half a second or so before the block actually froze was extremely frustrating. We'd have to guess when the block was actually frozen, and in the laggy listen servers we frequented in the early beta, building a base was entirely not worth the effort. I'd think part of my wall was frozen, and then Dredge (always Dredge) would come up and knock everything down in a few swings from his stunstick.